Saturday, February 28, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Kenjin no Shou Movie

Kenjin no Shou - Wise Man Chapter - is Takakage's campaign, and this is its first movie...

About the dialogues... Well, I'll try to translate it as accurate and as best as I can... ^^;

Hanbei: "Let's see, who will win this naval battle, Oda or Mouri... Numerically speaking, Oda has the advantage."

Kanbei: "The enemy has Takakage Kobayakawa."

Motonari: "Show them your ability, Takakage."

Takakage: "Turning." *gives signal for the ships to turn*

Oda commander: "Try to run away, ah, you Mouri cowards! Attack! Decouple the enemy's ships from the center!" 
(I hope the last line is correct, though ^^;)

Hanbei: "A-Ah, ordering the decoupling technique. With this, it's checkmate."

Takakage: "Hourokuhiya (I don't know how to translate this thing... Literally it means baking pan fire arrow... Well, if you see in the video, it somewhat looks like an ancient-type of bazooka or something like that... But I don't think translating it as bazooka or hand cannon is correct, so I'll just use the Japanese word for it), ready... Fire!"

Hanbei: "Despite having a cute face, he's very capable, ne. And doing all that for the sake of the people (here the people means the peasants/commoners). Scary but also kind at the same time... Kanbei-dono likes such strategist, right?"

Kanbei: "... Let's go. If we want to polish up our plan to defeat Takakage."

The ending of the movie is Motonari looking very proud of his son and Mouri soldiers thanking Takakage. :@)

Next, I dunno... Maybe I'll upload a battle video of the father and son - Motonari and Takakage... Or see how... I really hope I don't have to see ending movie of Takakage and Kanbei, ne... x_x;

Samurai Warriors 4-II: A Bit of Ranmaru Mori

Since I had to play and finish the spider freak Hisahide Matsunaga's campaign in order to unlock Takakage's, I might as well played a bit as Ranmaru.

I really don't like Ranmaru character design in SW4 (and 4-II) somehow... In SW3, I guess I still find him... well, OK, lah... But I think he looks the best, so far, is in SW2.

Anyway, in Honnouji stage, the last battle for Hisahide's campaign (not the battle in the video above), I really learnt it the hard way that it's very, very important to pay attention to the missions' requirements... Because not paying attention not only can make you fail the mission, but also, in the Honnouji battle, such ignorance can bring you defeat, even though your characters still have plenty of life. That's what happened to me! x_x; I was like... WHAT!? How come defeated?!! I still had life, ne... Motonari as the allied commander also still had life, so why defeated!?? O.O And if you're defeated, the game won't allow you to clear the campaign, hence won't unlock the other campaigns. So, I had to re-do again, and this time I stared and read (well as far as I can in recognizing the kanji words, that is ^^;) carefully all the requirements for winning and defeat, as well as every time I got mission during the battle, I'd pause for a while to stare at the mission's requirement and made sure that I did exactly what the mission wanted me to do... And then, finally I could finish the battle - without the game suddenly declared that I was defeated again - and won. *slumps in exhaustion* x_x;

And so, finishing Hisahide's campaign unlocks Takakage's and also Takatora's campaign. I'm playing Takakage's now... Dunno if I'll be playing Takatora's... I mean, if I play him, he will eventually whack Mitsunari, right... CANNOT! x_x

Pippi: *watching Ranmaru vs Takatora fight with Yoshitsugu, while eating steamed bun* "Ne, Yoshitsugu, your old friend, Takatora, is really weird."

Yoshitsugu: "Oh? How so?" *helps himself to a steamed bun*

Pippi: "He told me that the one thing he can't stand the most in the world is steamed buns. He said that if someone throws steamed buns at his house, he'd surely die because he can't stand it."

Yoshitsugu: "Hmm... This is the first time I heard about it."

Pippi: *nodding while munching on her steamed bun* "Yeah, weird, right? Anyway, I got curious, so I bought plenty of steamed buns and went to throw them at his house."

Yoshitsugu: "Then, what happened next?"

Pippi: *snorts* "Of course he didn't die! Instead, he forced me to help him eat all the steamed buns! Hmph, I think he just wanted some free steamed buns - tricking me like that! Thanks to him, I was broke instantly and got stomachache for days!"

Yoshitsugu: "I didn't know Takatora is capable of something like that..."

Pippi: "You know, he also compares himself  to a hand towel! Saying that just like a hand towel that can be thrown away once it becomes a useless rag, he is someone who's dispensable too."

Yoshitsugu: "Well, that's just how he is. Selfless and very dedicated."

Pippi: "Hmph, more like blindly dedicated, I'd say! No wonder he can click with Tokugawa. That tanuki doesn't even blink or think twice if he has to sacrifice his men just so that he can get what he wants. I believe he thinks that it's only right and proper that his men must die for him. Only a fool who wants to follow such leader!"

Takatora: "Whom did you call 'fool'? You shouldn't talk bad about other people while eating, or you might get choked by your steamed bun."

Pippi: "Heh, I see that you've done already. Ranmaru kicked you good, right."

Takatora: "Hmph, I won't be defeated in my campaign."

Pippi: "Who wants to play your campaign! No way I will do that - you'll whack Mitsunari-sama in the end!" *sticks out tongue at Takatora*

Takatora: "Hmph, now I want to whack that annoying fox even more!"

Pippi: *throws her half-eaten steamed bun to whack Takatora's head with* 

Takatora: *catches the flying steamed bun with his hand* "What a great timing; I'm feeling hungry after all the fighting."

Pippi: *shouts at Takatora walking away with her steamed bun* "Hey! Give me back my steamed bun! You're supposed to hate steamed bun!" *huffing, glances sideways at Yoshitsugu and sees that apparently he has finished his steamed bun* "By the way, Yoshitsugu, I've been wondering about how you eat and drink... I mean, I don't think I ever see you pulling down your collar in order to eat and drink.... So, how exactly you manage to eat and drink??"

Yoshitsugu: "That's... A secret." *continues upon seeing Pippi's disappointed face* "I may tell you, if you play Takatora's campaign, though."

Pippi: "Hmph, it's OK. I don't really need to know."

Friday, February 27, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Meiyuu no Shou Ending

Yoshitsugu: "I'm back, Mitsunari."

Mitsunari: "Welcome back, Yoshitsugu."

What a nice ending! :@) Everybody is alive. :@) I'm so glad that I bought SW 4-II! Was thinking that it would have some more tragedies but it turns out to have good endings, owed by SW4. :@)

Finishing Yoshitsugu's campaign doesn't unlock any new campaign, though... So, dunno what I'm going to do next... Maybe try unlocking Takakage's campaign... But it means I have to play and finish Oda's... Well, actually to be exact, it's not Nobunaga Oda's campaign, but that spider freak Hisahide Matsunaga's... :@/

*sighs* Hopefully Takakage's ending is not about him together with that creep Kanbei, ne... I mean, he looks like a zombie - just look at his decaying skin... Ugh! x_x; I'm not a fan of a walking dead, so yeah, I don't like Kanbei... There are fans who yaoi-pair Takakage with Kanbei, ne... Well, I guess, because it's convenient and sensible, since they're made to get along well in the game. But still, poor Takakage; with his good-looking character design, being paired with Kanbei whose character design looks like a zombie... x_x;

Pippi: "I hope they will make SW4 Empires soon... I'd like to play it!"

Mitsunari: "Hmph, you just want to pair me with anybody you like in Empires games!"

Pippi: "Eh, how does Mitsunari-sama know?" xp

Mitsunari: "You've been doing that since my debut in SW2! You used to pair me with... who's that again...?!"

Pippi: "Ranmaru."

Mitsunari: "Yeah, that Ranmaru. Don't know why you can get such idea!"

Pippi: "Well, you did ever call him 'Precious', ne. So, that's why... Hehehe." xp

Mitsunari: "That's the scriptwriter's doing! Not me! And now, what, you want to pair me with that Takakage!? His good-for-nothing adopted son is the one who betrayed me! How could I fall for a Kobayakawa?!! It's ridiculous!"

Pippi: "Well, that's because Takakage-sama is good looking..." xp "And technically he's a Mouri, ne, because he's Motonari's son, even  though being adopted by Kobayakawa clan."

Mitsunari: *harrumphs*

Pippi: "I will never betray Mitsunari-sama, ne! So, instead, I'll just drag Takakage to our side... And it's possible to do that in Empires. Don't worry, I'm sure he won't betray us - after all, he was impressed by Mitsunari-sama's attitude that values friendships more than your own life."

Mitsunari: "Hmph, I hope they will never make SW4 Empires!"

Pippi: *pouts* "I'm sure they will make SW4 Empires! And it will be very, very soon!" xp

Yoshitsugu: *sighs, looks back at the shogi board* "It won't be a good idea if they make SW4 Empires and she gets it."

Sakon: *looks at Yoshitsugu curiously* "And why is that so?"

Yoshitsugu: "I don't think she has gotten over her weird idea of making a harem kingdom..."

Sakon: "Ah, I see." *nodding*

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Meiyuu no Shou Movie 2

This movie is before the Battle of Sekighara; Yoshitsugu and Sakon playing shōgi while discussing strategy for the upcoming battle.

The dialogues:

Sakon: "What do you think, this formation is pretty good, right?"

Yoshitsugu: As expected of Sakon Shima. Mitsunari has acquired a brilliant strategist."

Sakon: "I'm honored by your compliment."

Yoshitsugu: "... This formation, is usually winnable. But..." *moves the gold general piece with his hand* "With kin (=gold general) in this direction..."
(The way Yoshitsugu placed the piece indicates that the piece wasn't attacking the enemy but instead attacking its own force)

Sakon: (Not really sure about the first words Sakon said here... Could be a shōgi term? But I think the general idea of his line is like this...) "That (treacherous) kin is Hideaki-san!"
(It refers to Hideaki Kobayakawa who causes Western Army's defeat with his betrayal).

Yoshitsugu: "If that person turns against us, Matsuoyama (=Mt. Matsuo) and 15000 troops will belong to enemy."

Sakon: "... What should we do, then?"

Yoshitsugu: "I will take position at the foothill of Matsuoyama. I shall keep a close watch on him."
(The word that he uses actually literally means to glare... So, yeah, Yoshitsugu is going to give the possible traitor a good, close, fierce glare! xp)

Yoshitsugu: "You should fight by Mitsunari's side and protect him."

Sakon: "Yoshitsugu-san, why would you go that far for my lord (=Mitsunari)..."

Yoshitsugu: "In the past, I was saved by Mitsunari. He, without regarding his own life, saved me so many times. Such a helpless naive man."
(The word amai that Yoshitsugu uses, can mean naive or generous, when used to describe a person).

Yoshitsugu: "Mitsunari wants to make Hideyoshi-sama's ideal world come true... I want to see the world that he creates."

Sakon: "Yoshitsugu-san..."

Yoshitsugu: "This time, it's my turn to do the saving."
(He means that it's his turn to save Mitsunari.)

Anyway, battle of Sekigahara in Mitsunari's campaign only has 9 stars of difficulty, but in Yoshitsugu's campaign, it has 10 stars of difficulty...! x_x; Was wondering if I could survive that... But somehow I did, and from that battle I got 4 stars weapons for both Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. v(^___^)v Maybe if I play with hard difficulty, I can get 5 stars weapon... But nah, I still want to keep my hair on my head, so I don't think I'll venture hard difficulty in SW4-II... ^^;

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Raiding Oda's Castle

Mugenjou (Infinite Castle) mode has 2 stages; the Infinite Castle itself and the other is what I'd call as castle-raiding... Not quite sure what the official name for it, so I just call it that. xp Depending on which castle you raid, you can get reward of skill books (used to unlock skills and thus, unlock items that can be equipped in battle) or gold. You'll get evaluation too on how well you perform overall. So far I only managed to get B... 5 minutes time limit is too short to defeat all enemy officers, ne... Or, rather, I can't defeat them fast enough... :@/ 

No choices for difficulties in Mugenjou mode, as far as I can see... So, all is default to crazy... All enemies ganging-up on you; all slashing and poking violently... Of course in the Infinite Castle itself, the higher floor you go, the crazier things will be. In SW4-II, enemy officers don't use musou attack - unlike in DW8 Empires - but they slash/poke/kick you violently and painfully all the same. And in SW4-II, even though your level is up, your life gauge is still the same very short... So, dying all the time is really not something uncommon here. Plus, I can't see any healing item available in Mugenjou mode... Except by leveling up; then your life - and musou gauge - will be fully healed... But shortly after that you'll most likely find yourself dying again... ^^;

Still, there's an item that can help you survive a bit longer... If you're lucky enough to unlock it... This green shield item; it's called NO DAMAGE... If you can see in the video above, with its garbage quality courtesy of YouTube, when I used this green shield item, even if I got slashed and kicked around, my life gauge wasn't affected. However, since the item is still level 1, its effect only lasts for 20 seconds... After it wears off, of course if you get slashed and kicked, you will lose life again. This green shield item can be used more than once in a battle, but you gotta wait until it recharges itself before you can use it again. I think it's better than the healing dango item in SW4; that can only be used one time in a battle.

And speaking of unlocking skills and items... I dunno why but it seems I can't unlock Mitsunari's fast and plenty enough. I mean, he's the character that I've played the most so far; therefore, his level is the highest so far - 21 or 22... However, I can only manage to unlock 2 or 3 skills for him so far; so he still has no item whatsoever available to equip... On the contrary, my alter ego; Pippi, is currently the lowest level among the characters that I've played so far, but I've managed to unlock quite a lot of her skills, so she already has some items equipped on her. I think, for Sakon, he already got 2 items equipped... For Yoshitsugu, I think he hasn't got any item yet but I already unlock some of his skills... The same with Takakage too... Dunno, it seems that only Mitsunari whose skills and items are difficult to unlock...

Also, dunno why, I can't seem to get the correct color for my eyebrows in SW4-II...! x_x; The mismatch color between my eyebrows and my hair maybe not that obvious in this YouTube video, but it's very glaring in the original video file on my laptop. SW4 - and 4-II - custom character editor doesn't have many colors selection for eyebrows, unlike DW8 Empires', but at least in SW4 I could find eyebrows color that's less mismatch with my hair... No luck so far in SW4-II, though.

Pippi: "Ne, ne, Mitsunari-sama! I got B for my evaluation, ne! Not bad, right, considering my low level and lousy fighting technique... So, praise me, praise me!"

Mitsunari: "Hmph, why are you so happy getting only B! When you get A, then I'll praise you!" *pushes Pippi's face away with hand* "And your mismatch eyebrows color is scaring people!"

Pippi: T_T *pouts, rubbing her pushed-away face* "I know that B is not as good as A! But at least it's better than C! Who is it again that raided Tokugawa's castle and only got C result?"

Mitsunari: *red face* "That's because those stupid flag bearers kept on running off! I wasted so much time just to chase them around the castle!"

Sakon: *chuckles* "Tono, I guess you aren't good at playing tag."

Mitsunari: *snaps irritatedly at Sakon* "Shut up, Sakon!"

Pippi: "How about Takakage-sama?" *looks at Takakage* "What result do you think you'll get?"

Takakage: *looks up from the book he's been reading* "My skills is still pretty low too, so I probably won't get any better result than yours... Umm..." *suddenly looks troubled*

Pippi: *tilts head sideways, blinking at the troubled-looking Takakage* "Yes?"

Takakage: "... I really don't know anything about fashion or trend, but I think you look better with your old eyebrows color..."

Pippi: T_T "Please stop making fun of my eyebrows...!"

Yoshitsugu: "I still like you, even with your new eyebrows."

Pippi: *wet eyes beaming* "Yoshitsugu!" <333 "Eh, wait a minute... You didn't say that just because you want to go against the flow, right?" *looks at Yoshitsugu suspiciously*

Yoshitsugu: "Oh, so you know?"

Pippi: *falls over* x_x;

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Meiyuu no Shou Movie

Meiyuu no Shou - Sworn Friend Chapter - is Yoshitsugu's campaign, which unlocks after finishing Mitsunari's campaign. The following movie is prior to Battle of Yamazaki (Toyotomi vs Akechi). Before watching the movie, let me give a little background story first... Upon receiving news about Nobunaga Oda's death at Honnouji because of Mitsuhide's betrayal, Hideyoshi wanted to avenge his lord immediately but he was in the middle of war with Mouri clan. This movie is about Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu offering reconciliation to Takakage who represents Mouri.

About the dialogues:

(I'm not really sure about the term that Mitsunari offered, so I might translate it incorrectly... But the rest, I'm quite confident. xp)

Mitsunari: "We will give Mouri 10 koku with our 5 koku and Oda's... That's the term for reconciliation."

Takakage: "You expect us to obediently accept such term? ... Today, what really has happened?"

Seeing that Mitsunari didn't answer, Takakage then continued...

Takakage: "If we hold you two as hostages, won't it make you a bit more willing to concede?"

(Hehe, Takakage sure can put on evil face if he wishes to! xp)

Mitsunari: "If you want to capture me, go ahead and capture me. But this person..." *indicates Yoshitsugu* "is my attendant. You ought not to capture him or kill him or take any kind of advantage of him in any way."

Takakage: "Protecting a friend in this kind of situation, ah... What an impressive spirit." *waves the soldiers away and stands up* "Let us reconcile, then."

Later, while riding horses...

Mitsunari: "With this, Lord Hideyoshi can go fight Mitsuhide."

Yoshitsugu: "However, if we're dead, we can't protect Lord Hideyoshi. Mitsunari, I'm glad that you protected me back there, but... don't be so rash. You should think of your own safety. If you want to see Lord Hideyoshi becomes the supreme ruler of the land, that is."

I won't upload any more campaign battles videos... Will probably only upload movies... if interesting... For Pippi in Infinite Castle, I think I want to re-do it first before uploading any video of it... Maybe tomorrow I'll upload video of me raiding Nobunaga Oda's castle, instead... 

Samurai Warriors 4-II: The End

What a stinky day! :@/ It's one of those days that everything goes wrong... that makes me feel even more fed up and tired of everything; living in particular! How nice if all could just end right now...

Anyway, it's the ending of Mitsunari's campaign in SW 4-II... I gotta say I'm quite proud of myself for sticking to my own commitment until the end, even though I don't get enough love and appreciation for my time and effort making this... But hey, I just share what I like; if others can enjoy it with me, then it's good... If not, then it's their own loss! Right, Mitsunari-sama? Yes! xp And for the owed love and appreciation, I can always ask Mitsunari-sama to give me them... Right, Mitsunari-sama? <333 *silence* Why no answer...?!! x_x;

Oh fine, no more useless ramblings - nobody wants to hear it! :@/ Here's the event prior to Battle of Sekigahara, where Mitsunari asked Yoshitsugu to lend him his strength. Yoshitsugu agreed and replied with his catchphrase; "Mitsunari, my life is yours." 

And here's the video of battle 5 - Battle of Sekigahara... Unlike in SW4, Yoshitsugu isn't available in the playable characters for this battle... I think it's because in SW4-II, Yoshitsugu is made to die first during the battle; while in SW4, it's Sakon who's made to die first during the battle.

And the ending...

YouTube Link

About the dialogues:

Sakon: "My lord, it's enough! Please escape now!"

Mitsunari: "You want me to leave everybody and run away myself?! It's not over yet - I still can fight!"

Sakon: "...My lord, please forgive me!" *punches Mitsunari on stomach and puts him on the horseback*

Mitsunari: "Sakon...!"

The middle part of the movie is the same with SW4 Mitsunari's ending... You can watch it with proper English translation here .

Mitsunari, feeling that he's still alive, slowly opened his eyes and found that the enemy soldiers lying dead on the ground.

Sakon: *appears* "See, I've supported you... Right until the end."

Mitsunari: "I still have two precious things with me; Sawayama Castle and Sakon Shima."

I think the reason for Mitsunari saying that line is because before, he felt that by losing the battle he had lost everything... And now he realize that it's not true. :@)

Compared to the SW4 version, of course I like this ending better... Because Mitsunari doesn't have to die... Sakon is also still alive... Too bad that Yoshitsugu isn't, though... But of course, I personally think the best ending for Mitsunari so far is still the SW2 version... with his dream stage - unlocked by clearing all campaigns of Mitsunari, Sakon, Kanetsugu and Yukimura - where he finishes off Tokugawa for good! 

And for whatever reason, I somehow start to think about Mitsunari x Takakage again... Dunno why... Maybe because I'm feeling sian... ^^; Well, I guess it will go away as fast as it came, so, yeah... 

I don't think I will do videos for other campaigns - what for; it's not like anybody will look forward and watch. I see that there are some people already make playthrough videos for SW4-II on YouTube, so, in case you want to see more, you can watch theirs - better quality, with audio, and superb fighting techniques. 

I do have the video of me venturing the Infinite Castle, but see how later, if I'm in the mood to upload it... It's nothing cool - you'll just see me getting kicked around, so no need to look forward for it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Mitsunari no Jiken

Battle 4 of Risou no Shou is Assassination Attempt on Mitsunari... by Kiyomasa, Masanori and Takatora. But before we watch the battle video, here's the event where Mitsunari recruiting Sakon...

So, basically what happened is Sakon actually bid his farewell and Mitsunari tried to make Sakon stay by promising to give him stipend of 2 koku... But Sakon laughed and said that with Mitsunari's stipend, he could afford to pay 4 koku instead of 2... Upon Mitsunari fell silent, Sakon then asked seriously, why didn't Mitsunari just say that he needed his (Sakon) help... Now that Kiyomasa and Masanori had left. Then Mitsunari awkwardly asked Sakon to support him... And Sakon agreed. 

Personally I still like the SW2 version of this recruitment event better... where Mitsunari looked all cool, high and mighty,,, xp Oh well, I guess, in a way dare to show/admit own weakness(es) can be called bravery too...

And now, the battle 4 video...

I remember that in SW2 there's also this stage of assassination attempt on Mitsunari... However, if I recall correctly, it was in Yukimura's path, not Mitsunari's. 

And in this battle 4, I must admit that I failed 2 missions because I didn't pay attention to the requirements. For example when fighting Takatora, I should have defeated him as Sakon, not as Mitsunari, because the mission said so... But when I played this battle, I really didn't pay attention... At first I thought maybe there's a bug in SW4-II too, just like in SW4 that make you fail doing a mission though you successfully did it... (in SW4, the bug is in Sekigahara battle, for mission to defeat the traitor Hideaki Kobayakawa and his cronies... Even though I've kicked them all, the game somehow doesn't think that I have and after the time for the mission runs out, it will say that I fail the mission).... Only when I made this battle 4 video, that I realize that the game clearly stated that it must be Sakon who defeat Takatora... See, it's even on the video thumbnail now - taunting me and my stupidity... x_x; Well, I did notice the attack icon that's being crossed above Takatora's head, and I did wonder about it... But I guess I was too slow to think and realize my mistake... orz

I was also surprised when playing this battle 4 because... what, Tokugawa is my ally!!? O.O I don't remember for sure, but I think in SW2 version, Tokugawa didn't come helping in this assassination attempt on Mitsunari... And then now, being helped by Tokugawa... Ugh... Gives me a creep! x_x;

And so, we're now talking about the event after the battle 4... 

Basically the event is about Mitsunari thanking Tokugawa for his help in the previous battle (battle 4)... Ah, as expected of my Mitsunari-sama...! <333 Even though he doesn't like Tokugawa, but since he has been helped, he can't be ungrateful... Even if doing so (=thanking Tokugawa) means he must swallow his pride... And later, Sakon said to Mitsunari that if Mitsunari wished, he would take Tokugawa's head right there and then... But Mitsunari didn't agree; saying that the day will come when they can fight Tokugawa fair and square... 

Ahh, Mitsunari-sama... You're just too good (even if you act like a bad guy most of the time xp)... Tokugawa doesn't deserve it! Look what that tanuki will do to you in Sekigahara...! :@(

Oh, I think I need to correct my previous statement... It's actually in this battle 4 that I got kicked around (by Kiyomasa, actually) until on the verge of death... Not in Sekigahara... 

So, next is battle 5... Battle of Sekigahara... Even though I've edited it, it's still quite a long video... I've mentioned that in SW4-II Battle of Sekigahara took longer time to finish... See if I can manage to upload it to YouTube with such big size... Well, even if I can't, I'm sure nobody will miss it.

And also! I've deleted my NSFW posts... I've even removed NSFW word from my blog description... I've removed the adult content notice as well... Because there's no more NSFW in this boring blog... 


So yeah, I just read that notice about Blogger's new policy, which will be implemented starting on March 23rd. If I don't want my blog to be made private automatically, I should remove my NSFW posts... :@/ 

Oh well, since nobody appreciates my posts - NSFW or not - much, except myself anyway, I guess it's no big deal to just delete the NSFW ones. I think I can keep the non-NSFW yaoi ones, though... (Don't tell me that next Blogger will become homophobic too! x_x) Anyway, I'll delete my NSFW posts, but keep the non-NSFW yaoi ones... If that way Blogger is still going to make my blog private, then go ahead, I guess... I couldn't care less... And I think nobody will miss it even if this blog of mine is suddenly gone.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: The Turning Point

Video of battle 3 - Battle of Kyuushuu - for Mitsunari's campaign...

Yeah, for this battle I paired Mitsunari with Takakage (again xp) because he's available in the list of characters playable for the battle. In SW4-II Takakage also has his own campaign, but I think I'll need to play and finish Nobunaga Oda's campaign first before I can unlock Takakage's... (if I don't read the kanji wrong, that is ^^;)

Anyway, the following is the movie after winning Battle of Kyuushuu...

Since it's an important scene, I guess I'll explain a bit about the dialogues... So, after Battle of Kyuushuu, Mitsunari told Kiyomasa to go to Kyuushuu while Masanori to go to Shikoku... Prior to the battle, Hideyoshi actually asked Mitsunari if he wanted to be a prefect somewhere but Mitsunari refused and suggested for Kiyomasa and Masanori, instead. In the movie above, Mitsunari also stated that with such arrangement, it's supposed to hinder Ieyasu (Tokugawa) from gaining enough power to usurp the supreme ruler position (which by right belongs to Hideyoshi Toyotomi). Masanori hit Mitsunari shouting why he (Mitsunari) is always like that - always make decision by himself... Does Mitsunari not trust him and Kiyomasa...?! Then Kiyomasa said that on what reason Mitsunari thinks that he (Kiyomasa) and Masanori want to harm Toyotomi clan... Everybody is working together to protect Toyotomi clan... Including Ieyasu too... Mitsunari then snapped at Kiyomasa saying that he refused to be associated with Ieyasu... If he ever had to be associated with Ieyasu, he'd rather supporting Toyotomi clan all by himself. Kiyomasa then said fine, he and Masanori have their own way to show support to Toyotomi; and if Mitsunari ever gets in their way in the future, they shall not let him off... 

In SW4-II, Mitsunari's real thoughts and feelings aren't being showed much because they are already revealed in SW4... So, if you ever think about picking up this game, you should get SW4 as well... Because these two games complete each other.

For me, personally, I'd like it better if the game maker and producer put the focus more on the Gi Trio (Mitsunari, Kanetsugu and Yukimura) like in SW2... But I guess ever since they made Kiyomasa and Masanori playable in SW3 - and both became Mitsunari's childhood friends - they still want to emphasize on the dramatic situation of friendship falling apart (and brotherhood falling apart for Yukimura and Nobuyuki). 

The movie can be said as a prelude to battle 4... which I'll upload later or tomorrow... 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Persistent & Unexpected

Since I've made commitment to myself to make videos for Mitsunari's campaign in Samurai Warriors 4-II, I shall keep doing it even if nobody's interested to see. ^^; So, here's battle 2 video...

Actually, I've finished the campaign last night... It's only 5 battles, and since it's weekend, so yeah... xp As I've guessed, though, it just gets crazier with later battles; namely battle 4 and 5 whose stars difficulty is 7 and 8, I think... Or even 9... Especially Battle of Sekigahara... Not only that it lasts longer than in Samurai Warriors 4 (or in previous SW2 and 3), it certainly also makes me scream at the screen because even though I didn't play with hard difficulty, it surely felt even more like I did! x_x; Just wait until I upload that battle video... You can enjoy seeing me being kicked around violently and mercilessly until on the verge of death... In this battle 2 video, I managed to kick Tadakatsu Honda, ne, but later in Sekigahara, you'll see that he made me pay for that... T_T Heavens only know how I managed to finish that final battle without game over halfway... 

Anyway, I was expecting to see an even more tragic ending for Mitsunari-sama... Maybe something similar to the anime version... And the middle part of the ending movie is indeed the same with Mitsunari's sad ending in SW4.... However, I really didn't expect the pleasant surprise that comes afterwards... Hehehe... I shall keep the details for later when I post that ending video... Look forward to it, ne...! xp

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: What A Beginning...!

My first impression on playing Samurai Warriors 4-II.... CRAZY! ^^;

I played with normal difficulty... with a battle of 1 star difficulty (first battle always has 1 star difficulty, battle 2 will have 2 stars difficulty and so on)... And yet, I felt like I was playing with hard difficulty! O.o And you see my life gauge is so short... And there's no any healing item whatsoever that I can equip in SW4-II... (at least not that I know of at the moment). In SW4, at least you've got some healing items to equip, even though they can only be used once at a time... The healing dango; once you ate it, it's gone from your inventory... But at least it's something... for emergency when you can't seem to find any rice stacks containing healing onigiri anywhere in sight! *shakes head* And in Samurai Warriors, it's not only enemy soldiers and officers' slashes that can harm you, but also flying bullets, arrows, spears and miscreants' smack-down... 

I then tried to see how it is with easy level in SW4-II... Well, I gotta say, even with easy level, they don't make it very easy... Even though maybe enemy's slashes don't cause too great damage to your short life gauge in easy level, still if you don't pay attention you can't expect to win the battle unscathed. I think in SW4, easy level is quite easy... I don't remember struggling playing with easy level there...

But then again, it's most probably because I'm a lousy gamer... I think expert gamers will not find any difficulty playing on hard or nightmare level even with short life gauge and lack of healing items. ^^;

Anyway, here are videos of Mitsunari's campaign...

Risou no Shou Opening

Risou no Shou Movie 1
(Movie of Battle of Shizugatake)

Risou no Shou Battle 1
(Battle of Shizugatake)

Risou no Shou - 理想の章 - literally can be translated as Chapter of (An) Ideal (World)... But I guess if and when this game is made into English version, it may be called Legend of United Land, just like in SW4. Well, at least unlike in SW4, Mitsunari's campaign is already available from the start... In SW4, I need to play and finish Nobunaga Oda's campaign first before I can unlock Mitsunari's campaign. 

As for custom character... I guess SW4-II Pippi still looks the same with SW4 Pippi... Well, maybe not 100% same, because I don't really remember what type of eyes and nose that I used before... But she looks quite similar... with same pink hairstyle and neko ears... and odd eye... ^^; I don't think there's a Chronicle Mode in SW4-II... I think there's only something similar to free mode and the infinite castle mode... But of course I can be wrong... I haven't really looked around at other modes... I think I'll finish Mitsunari's tragic story mode first and then go take a close and careful look at other modes available... 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Hiatus

Yes, I'm going to take a break from Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires for a while and play Samurai Warriors 4-II which I received today. 

YouTube Link

Hmm... It seems that my last DW8 Empires video (for now) with Xun Yu is being blocked in some countries by YouTube... Oh well, even if you can't watch it, I guess you won't lose anything because yeah, as usual it's just another lousy fighting video.

And, just a short rambling about the battle in the video... It's another irony again that Cao Cao is in the same kingdom with Dong Zhuo... whose ruler is Cao Ren... But it's quite funny and entertaining, I guess. xp As for Xun Yu kicking Cao Cao; I justify that! That's the price you must pay for being ungrateful, Cao Cao! 

Oh yeah, since I've got someone commented in one of my videos about how come there's no audio from the game... Well, I've mentioned here before that it's because I record my PS4 game videos using PS4 share feature... And because KOEI purposely mutes the audio due to seiyuu (voice actors) copyrights or whatever else crap like that. I don't have Elgato or any other game capture device... I've also ever mentioned here that I was considering to buy it... However, weighing between the expensive price of game capture device and the number of views for my videos, it really not worth it! :@/ I'd like it better if I could record my videos with the audio, of course, but since it has to be like that, then I just have to deal with it... My viewers will also have to deal with it... If you don't like my videos, well, you can always watch others who do videos for the game... Theirs indeed are in much better quality, with audio, and superb fighting techniques as well.

Anyway, I know that I could just finish this second campaign first before hopping over to Japan to help Mitsunari-sama with his battles (I know there's no happy ending again for him, but what the heck; there are other modes than the tragic story mode!)... But this current campaign is still quite far from finish... Unlike some expert gamers who can dedicate long hours of their days just to play games, it's not possible for me to do that, unfortunately. Plus, I don't think there will be anything new or exciting will happen in this second campaign... For instance, now I already have more than 99999 (5 digits) gold and still I don't get any of the town inspection events. I think even until I finish this second campaign, I still won't get the second town inspection event that I haven't got before. No idea what's missing in the requirements... Except maybe the fact that once a stupid lousy incompetent ruler, will always be a stupid lousy incompetent ruler, no matter how many campaigns I play! :@/ And see, at the moment my title is the same one with what I ended up with in the first campaign... Will I get a higher title than that before this second campaign is over? Maybe... But I'm not holding my breath, because most probably it won't happen. This game isn't generous to me in that regard.

So... Xun Yu, I guess we have to be apart for a while... Don't worry, I will definitely come back to you! <333 Don't miss me too much, ne... 

(On second thought, DO miss me very much! xp)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Just Another Battle

Yeah, well, I guess you must be already so fed up having to watch yet another lousy video of my lousy fighting... which also becomes even crappier in quality after being uploaded to YouTube. I think I should stop doing it - it takes effort and time as well; quite troublesome, actually.

The day Jia Xu crumbled before my might.... Not bad, Jia Xu, but not good enough! You should just stay under my servitude! You may find yourself spending your days trying to bribe me to no avail again, but at least that way, you won't get whacked out of the map by my heart staffs - ah, no, it's butterfly staffs now... As it is now, though, thank you very much for 3 new additional territories - I gladly take them! xp

I also got quite a good time kicking Zhenji... Yeah, I never like her - she just gets more annoying with every DW series, in my opinion. Sorry, Cao Pi, but your wife is just not pretty, or sexy, or even adorable in my eyes! Too bad she died quite easily... And too bad I didn't manage to capture her so that I can execute her... :@/

Besides coincidence, irony also can happen in this game's custom scenario... Just like in this battle... If you manage to see carefully in the video above, you'll see that Liu Bei was kicking Zhao Yun... Yeah, very impossible to happen in real history... ^^; Well, anyway, I finished Liu Bei - there, Zhao Yun, I avenged you! xp - he's quite persistent, ne... But in the end, I captured him and he agreed to join me again. 

BTW, according to the tracking record, I think I should have received my Samurai Warriors 4-II game today... If only today wasn't a holiday - Chinese New Year. Perhaps tomorrow... The customs released it faster than my Japanese DW8 Empires... Dunno why... Maybe Mitsunari-sama gave them some harsh sour piece of his mind... xp While for Xun Yu, being a gentle-natured person and well-mannered, I believe he'd prefer doing proper diplomacy; that's why it took a week to pass the customs... ^^;

Happy Chinese New Year 2015!

恭喜发财 \(^O^)/

(No, Bon Bon, you still can't eat the candies this year either! xp)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: The Truth - What She Really Said...

I guess I really have a lousy hearing... ^^;

I really have no idea why I thought I heard the word koi (= love) the other night... Basically what she said is: Xun Yu is fighting amazingly and that she, as she has thought, isn't nearly his match/rival... Well, to be fair, in that battle above, I didn't perform amazingly as Xun Yu, actually... Sorry, Xun Yu for ruining your image again... x_xm It's OK if you don't give me anything anymore... T_T

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Perhaps Love...

Yeah, well, here's the video of Empress Pippi fighting using Da Qiao's weapon (still using Lu Xun's double swords for second weapon) and her new musou attack using Lu Xun's and air musou using Zhu Ran's. I still play with normal difficulty, but since I still only have 4 territories at the moment, still pretty much in the starting stage, the battles are still quite easy; the enemy's life gauge is still short and they still don't go ganging-up on me yet.

*doing Sailor Moon pose with heart staffs in my hands* "For love and justice, I will punish you!" (Sorry, can't help it! xp)

If you can notice, with such garbage quality video, near the ending of the battle, it was raining... I think it's the enemy who summoned rain... No idea what the purpose is... I mean, I didn't see any harm it did to my force... Of course, unless if I use fire attack then they use rain to extinguish it - that's sensible and useful... But, summoning rain out of the blue? *tilts head sideways* Anyway, rain or not, it can't prevent Pang Tong and his generic cronies from being destroyed for good! xp

I think in this second campaign, there's more generic rulers than in the first campaign... :@/ Oh yeah, Jia Xu now has a piece of land of his own (well, he has like 2 or 3 territories actually) and it seems that he still has grudge against me because I refused to take his bribe right until the end of the first campaign. Now he has started to attacking me in every given chance... I see that he has Chen Gong with him too... Hmph, 2 evil strategists want to mess around with me, huh! I shall whack them out of the map with my heart staffs - you'll see! xp

And it was during the defensive battle against Jia Xu's force, when I played as Xun Yu, that for the first time I heard Empress Pippi's words of praise for him. She said "Amazing!" ... I didn't really pay attention to the text, but I thought I heard she also mentioned the word koi (=love)? I tried to see if that's really what she said, but the text already disappeared before I could really take a good look... And unfortunately, I didn't record that battle either, so... I'm not sure about her second line... Did she really say; "As I've thought, it's love, ne." ...?? I mean, will she say something cheesy like that as a rallying sentence in battle?! O.O Seems too impossible... But then again, maybe she was affected by those heart-shaped staffs and flower petals scattering around... ^^; Oh well, next time when I play Xun Yu again, I'll assign Empress Pippi as his bodyguard, then she will follow him everywhere, then hopefully she will speak her praise again, so I can be sure what she really says... 

Anyway, right after I called him AMAZING!, Xun Yu gave me one of his tactics... And it's the tactic to fill up the rage gauge... The one that I really want and need more than any other tactics! Now I can start using my rage musou again! YAY! \(^O^)/ 

"OH! Xun Yu, thank you very much! You're really the best husband in the world! 
I love you so very, very much!!!" <333 
*pounces on Xun Yu, kissing him all over* 

Hehehe... Good job, me! *pats my own head* That's indeed how you lovingly persuade your husband to give what you want! xp I gotta say, Empress Pippi is so far the best game alter ego I've ever made! d(^___-)

However, as usual, there's a downside from fighting a battle as not myself... I can't decide the fate of the prisoners... And thanks to Xun Yu always being so kind, now I've got 2 generics in my tow, already... x_x I think there should be an option to fire an officer... I know that some certain officers have skill to spread rumor to get someone else fired; for instance, Chen Gong, but to be able to have that option appears, I'll need him under my service... But then again, doing so will be considered as evil deed... Or maybe I'll just ignore the generics and let them stay on E level, then they will rebel and then I can finish them off... But, what if after suppressing rebellion, I get attacked by Jia Xu without any chance to rest and heal...!? Seems not a good plan... :@/

And somehow, it's like the beginning of the first campaign all over again... with Sima Yi always comes as my reinforcement because of our alliance. In this second campaign, though, he and Cao Pi are in the same kingdom... And it's both of them who come to help whenever I invade or get attacked. I'm quite amused seeing such coincidence... Because, historically, Sima Yi is the number 1 supporter of Cao Pi... Yep, he leans more towards Cao Pi than Cao Cao, actually. Zhenji isn't with them, though... She's with Jia Xu and Chen Gong. Anyway, today's ally will become enemy tomorrow... Because in the end there will be only one supreme ruler...! 

(Yep, it's gonna be me - again! xp)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Our Horrible-Looking Son... T_T

Xun Yun looks so... UGH! x_x

*glares at the hooded fellow standing in front of me; who claims himself as my son* Whose son are you, really?! Whom do you take after? Xun Yu is certainly good looking... Is it me? Do I look really that horrible?!! x_x

*sighs* Even his voice is also not nice... :@/ I can't give him some plastic surgery until this campaign ends... If he's even plastic-surgery-able... Can't tell for sure how his face exactly looks - thanks to the stupid hood... (we're not playing Assassins Creed, ne!)

Well, at least he's tall; not short... (Is he even taller than Xun Yu?? O.o) And he inherits Xun Yu's weapon... Though now, looking at him, I wish he inherited my current weapon, instead... Hooded horrible-looking fellow with heart-shaped staffs... That'd be EPIC! (Yes, I'm being sarcastic, in case you're wondering... ^^)

I think the game did this just to spite me... Because I exploited it in order to get a son... So in return, it generated... THAT! x_x

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: A New Beginning

Yeahh... I've started a new campaign last night... Still with the same main cast; Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Lu Xun and Zhao Yun... But now plus Xun Lin and Zhu Ran... I included Zhu Ran this time because: 1) his seiyuu is the same person who voices Sasuke in Brave 10 anime, and 2) in the first campaign, I fought him quite often but never managed to capture him - not even once! ^^; 

For this second campaign, I chose to start from the north top most of the map... Not quite what you'd call as a rich region... But that'd be another challenge... Let's see whether I'd be a little bit wiser this time around... Or maybe even dumber... x_x; Well, so far I'd say I have a pretty good start... It's only my 4th year and I've already got 2 territories (in first campaign, I think it was in my 5th or 6th year that I started to expand my territory), got 2 brothers (Lu Xun and Guo Jia this time), got a handsome loving husband (yeah, of course, Xun Yu <333) and also got a son! \(^O^)/ I got married as soon as Xun Yu confessed to me this time, because like I've mentioned before, even if I waited for a decade or two, I don't think whatever title that I'd get by then would be any better than Xun Yu's. And the child won't inherit my skill level, no matter how high it is. So, just get married now lah; our child will certainly, definitely inherit his title, anyway. Plus, it will make Xun Yu always forever on S level. xp

Here's a video of me doing Siblings Oath with Guo Jia:

I must say that Guo Jia's line for Siblings Oath is better than his line for marriage... He said: "Betting my life, I'd like to make your wish(es) come true. That'd be the proof of my existence." Nicely said, Guo Jia! I expect you to perform much better this time, now that you're my brother... and you're still also my great general... ^^;

I'm still wondering whether I can get more than 2 siblings in this Empires game... I know in Dynasty Warriors NEXT, I can only have 2 siblings... If in this Empires game I can have more than 2 siblings, that'd be nice... Aside from the fact that your brothers will give you their tactics, they will also always stay on S level no matter what. I'd like to add Zhu Ran as my brothers, if I could... Because he has that violent wind tactic... And Guo Jia, besides having the grand fire attack tactic, he also has the tactic to summon wind... Just imagine, combine all of them together... xp And I think I'll just wait patiently until Xun Yu gives me the tactic to fill up the rage gauge... I know that in first campaign I can buy that tactic myself, but in this campaign, I dunno, I think it'd take some time before I can build enough numbers of academy in order to be able to buy some new various tactics. Also, being given is better than buying myself, because I don't lose gold that way xp (and it's a token of Xun Yu's love vow to me too! xp)

Anyway, for this second campaign, I changed my primary weapon to Da Qiao's heart staffs... Or whatever its official name... I call it that way because the staffs have heart shape... ^^; No particular reason why I chose her weapon... Just curious and bored with the same old fan... I think it'd be pretty fun to whack enemies with heart-shaped staffs while scattering flower petals... xp I also changed my musou attacks... For the normal land musou and rage musou, I use Lu Xun's now... For air musou, I think I use Zhu Ran's now... I'll show it how they look like once I have a battle worth recording and sharing... ^^;

Speaking about musou attacks, it seems that I was wrong about Xun Lin's... While she inherits my fan air musou, for her normal land musou, she inherits Xun Yu's actually, along with her rage musou and true musou. And while Empress Pippi as the main character started on level 6 again in this second campaign (and with commoner title, as well... You see, no matter what title your characters earn from the previous campaigns, if you use them as your main character in the next campaign, they will always start on level 6 with commoner title), Xun Lin started on level 15, same with Xun Yu; all thanks to the title that she inherits from him. However, currently Empress Pippi is already on level 20 - higher than everybody else's in her current kingdom. xp

And I wonder how our son would look like... He hasn't showed up yet... Actually, the  game gave me another daughter, but I exited without saving and reloaded the game again to see if I could get a son that way... And YES, I COULD! :@) So, reloading the game DOES give you different gender for your child... I suspect this game somehow always gives you daughter by default, so if you don't reload your game, then you'll always have only daughters... Well, if you don't mind, then it's OK... But I'd say; exploit the game - that's how we're going to get what we want! xp

So, I gave our son name Xun Yun... That's the name of one of Xun Yu's sons in history... I hope he won't look too weird... And I hope he won't be short like me... And I certainly definitely hope he won't inherit my current weapon...! It won't be cool to see him running around holding heart-shaped staffs, really... x_x;

*makes me wonder; if the generated child looks too weird, will exit and reload the game make the child look a bit better?*

Oh yeah... I see that my Samurai Warriors 4-II is now in customs... *has nothing else to say, but groaning*

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sims 4 Valentine...?

So, it seems that there's a new game update (=patch) for Sims 4... I think it has been out for several days now (or weeks, even?) but I only patched my game just now. I see that even up till this moment, after how many patches already?, they still don't fix one of the annoying bugs that have been there since the beginning of the game - since CAS demo, actually; the stuck looping BGM in live mode! After a long while I didn't open this game, when I opened it just now after patching, the first thing I got is that annoying stuck looping BGM! And now, it's not just 2 different music playing together forever - it's 3 different music overlapping playing together stuck looping forever in the background; driving me crazy! (>.<) Every time that happens, I have to exit the stupid game and open it again... Well, the loading time for Sims 4 is not (YET) as excruciatingly long as Sims 3's... But still, having to exit then open again just because of the noisy stuck looping BGM is such a ridiculous waste of time, if you ask me!

Anyway, there's some freebies included with the patch... Some Valentine-ish stuff; like teddy bear holding heart, (unattractively) heart T-Shirt, (corny) heart boxer... Maybe there's more for women's clothing, but I haven't checked yet... Also I think I saw a new gnome... Not a Valentine gnome, though... Speaking about gnomes; in Sims 4 they're not animated like in Sims 3... It's more like in Sims 2; they just stay wherever you plop them down, and stay in the same pose all the time. 

The first EP for Sims 4 is coming on March 31st... Sims 4 Get To Work. Maybe I'll get it... See how... The retail business is what I'm interested in... But I wonder if it will work like Sims 2 OFB... Scully, it sucks like that Sims 3 stupid seller! In the first trailer video, it seems that your Sims can do selling interactions like in Sims 2 OFB... However, if you see it closely, you'll see that the Sims in the trailer video were only having normal conversation, because they did the normal speaking animations, not a special selling conversation like in Sims 2 OFB. The same with a Sim who stood behind the counter as if tending the cash register and another Sim who stood at the other side of counter acting as the customer... They only spoke normal conversation in my eyes. Until I see a real paying-at-cashier animation like in Sims 2 OFB, I'd say cash register in Sims 4 most probably will be useless too, like in Sims 3. :@/

I know that most people who play Sims game are not as fussy as me... I think many Sims 3 players are quite happy and content with the stupid seller and the bakery register just sitting on top of counter uselessly... Customers will just sweep stuff with their hands and you get Simoleons... Since Sims games are supposed to simulate real life, then they shouldn't be so lazy as to not make a paying-at-register animation... I can't just sweep stuff at shop and be considered properly buying it without paying at cashier first in real life! So, why must I be contented with such ridiculous concept in Sims that's supposed to be mimicking real life?! 

And I swear... If the shop customers in Sims 4 also make the same stupid annoying OOH! AAH! noises when viewing items for sale like in Sims 3, I'll uninstall the EP immediately, whack it and stomp on it! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Reverse Confession and Marriage

Playing around with event editor, I tried to see what happened if Empress Pippi who confessed to Xun Yu... 

Confession dialogue:
Pippi: "You may have noticed, I like you... I like you very much!"
(NOOooo... Xun Yu...! Why you make that kind of face?! T_T)
Pippi: "That's why, someday let me know your answer?"

Marriage dialogue:
Xun Yu: "From this moment... giving my everything, I vow to love you."
Pippi: "Together, don't ever let go, ne. I really can't be without you."

I maybe wrong, but I think depends on what type of voice you choose for your custom character(s), they may have different lines during confession, marriage and other scenes. 

Personally, I like it better if he confesses to me, instead of the other way around. Dunno why, could be because of his facial expression during confession, somehow I can't help getting impression that this reverse marriage is a marriage out of pity... ^^; Luckily, it's just for messing around... 

Anyway, using the event editor I also tried to see what happened if I married Lu Xun and Guo Jia. For Lu Xun, he said that he will always be with me and that he certainly will make me happy. :@) Isn't he so sweet!? <333 Maybe I should really consider marrying him for real during one of my campaigns... Yeah, having a shota husband for a change. xp

For Guo Jia, his line is the same with his wedding line in DW7 Empires; that we should enjoy every moment... For as long as we're allowed to be together... Well, for once I'd like to hear him saying something without dragging the dying issue, ne... I mean, marriage is supposed to be a happy occasion, so why must make it grim with such talking? 

I haven't started a new campaign yet... Maybe tomorrow. I see that there's still no new update on the shipment of my Samurai Warriors 4.2... I guess it'll take a while to arrive in my paws, as usual, if not go missing somewhere in ocean or get stolen by the customs... So yeah, maybe tomorrow I'll start a new campaign... See how...