Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: All About Healing

Did invasion battle to kick Dong Zhuo out of the map for good... Was quite happy to see that Xun Lin didn't participate in the battle... However, halfway she decided to join as reinforcement for the enemy...! She even prepared the grand arrows attack that unfortunately I couldn't manage to thwart in time! x_x Talking about being such unfilial daughter! (>.<) Yeah, of course I gave her a hard lesson for daring to fight against - and even hurt - her parents! 

Yeahh, I think I healed Xun Yu twice or three times in this battle... Good thing he stayed close to me... xp I also healed Guo Jia because I happened to see him running out of life as well after the damned arrows attack. Near the end, we returned the courtesy by burning Dong Zhuo before kicking him out for good! V(^___^)V

And the mammoth... Well, I tried riding it for this battle... But it's too slow, ne... And also not that powerful because can't kill enemy in single stomp or smack... Moreover, it doesn't fill up my musou gauge while riding it, unlike my dear polar bear! Guess I'll back riding my bear.  

So, Xun Lin is finally back with me...

Guess it's no longer 100% harem kingdom anymore... again... Well, actually I could just not retrieve her and let her wandering around... But nah, I want all my family members with me, ne... Even though some of them no longer remember/recognize our family relationship... 

Actually, from this battle someone captured Jia Xu... I didn't pay attention who it was; maybe Guo Jia... Although I wouldn't say that Jia Xu meets my criteria of good-looking guys - nor does Xiahou Yuan, but he's a part of my kingdom now - I asked him to join all the same... But he refused - I guess he still has grudge against me from the previous campaigns - so he got executed. xp

And no, Xun Yu still doesn't give me my 6 stars weapon... And no, I still haven't received my English version of DW8 Empires... I guess today Sims 4 Get To Work is being released... Bet Origin server(s) will be so busy and crowded, I won't be surprised if it gets overheated and explode! xp I think I'll need to check my email to see whether my Harvest Moon Story of Seasons is already shipped... 

Monday, March 30, 2015

In Search For A Happy Ending...

Yeah, just watched the last episode of Sengoku Musou Anime... And no matter how I wished for the anime to surprise me by giving a good and happy ending, of course it didn't happen. It's all according to the history that Toyotomi clan would be wiped out and Tokugawa would be the winner. It quite sickens me how they - the anime producer(s) and scriptwriter(s), I guess - romanticized things; making Tokugawa to look as if he's one righteous ruler! *makes vomiting sound*

With defeat was in sight and conclusive, Hideyori burnt the Osaka castle along with him; as a marking that the Toyotomi clan died with him. Takatora resented that and grumbled to himself about how come Hideyori didn't choose to use his courage to create a better future, instead. Hmph, create better future by becoming Tokugawa's dog like him?! NO WAY! :@/ Plus, there can be no such thing as better future created by person/persons who don't have justice in their heart to begin with.

Well, I guess, most people in general may think that Takatora's - and also Nobuyuki's - opinion is correct; that we must live on no matter what... That by living on then we can aim for better life/future or whatever similar crap... However, those who agree with Takatora and Nobuyuki certainly can't see and understand that for some people, like Hideyori and Yukimura, to live by discarding their beliefs and honor is worse than death. For me, myself, I too believe that if you lose sight of who you are and give up on what your believe, then it means that you lose everything... You may still be alive but what's the point? Can you really find happiness by selling your soul? 

So yeah, of course Yukimura also died... That's according to history, too... In the ending of the anime Kunoichi brought together Yukimura's headband and the fragment of Mitsunari's headgear and put them under the Sakura tree at Ueda Castle... I guess if I want a yaoi pairing for Mitsunari, I really should pair him with Yukimura... And not with Ranmaru or Takakage... ^^; Well, SW fans, who are also into yaoi, mostly of course pair Mitsunari with Sakon... I've got nothing against Sakon, but dunno, ne, I never have any interest to pair him with Mitsunari... But one thing I'm certain; I will never want to pair Mitsunari with Kanetsugu... Because in the end Kanetsugu betrayed the vow they made together... No matter what kind of alternative ending(s) the game may give, it won't change that historical fact, ne. So, no Kanetsugu x Mitsunari for me! NEVER! (>.<)

As for my own happy ending... Let's see if later I'll be in the mood to continue my DW8 Empires campaign... But if I DO continue it later or tomorrow or someday, despite what I rambled in yesterday post, there's no fucking way I'd give Xun Yu to Cai Wenji or anyone else! Not in my game at least! So what if I want to marry him 5 times - or even more?! It's my own fucking game, so I can do whatever I want! And he won't refuse me, anyway, as long as his relationship level is S. All the characters in this game are devoid of actual feelings of their own; all are scripted. And that means, I can write my own script too - even if it's only in my head! xp So what if Xun Yu hasn't given me my 6 stars weapon? He will give me sooner or later... The hell if I want to let him go just because of that! I'm not that good of a girl, ne! xp 

XUN YU IS MINE! ALL MINE! FOREVER MINE! (in my game and imagination, of course ^^;)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

爱你没错 Ai Ni Mei Cuo

I'm currently listening to this song quite often... I actually heard this song for the first time when watching wuxia drama Gu Jian Qi Tian - Mythical Sword (pretty OK story, though too many visual effects)... And right away I could tell that the singer must be Jeff Chang - it's his distinctive vocal... Unchanging even though his look and appearance may... (He's already that old, ah...^^;)

Here's the lyrics; translated in English:

Is it full of temptations?
Is it able to silence people?
Is it hidden in a corner within the heart?

I don't dare to say it out loud
Don't dare to easily grasp it
Don't dare to blame your coldness

Worried that the flowers will wilt and fall
Worried that the rain will fall
Worried that someone will be waiting for me at the bamboo pavilion

We are not wrong to fall in love with someone
We just happened to take a different path at the fork of the road
If with these two hands I can't hold you tightly again,
Please let me hold you for one more second

It is not wrong at all for us to love somebody
It's just that I can't accompany you until the end of our life
Even if my broken heart can't be understood by anybody in the world
I'll still never regret falling in love with someone

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Broken Heart

Yeahh, nobody's going to watch this video... That's why I uploaded it... Just upload whatever I like/want... It doesn't matter, anyway.

I guess Cao Cao is really so obsessed with the Qiao sisters, he's willing to be under Da Qiao's command... Another quite amusing thing is Xiahou Dun is also in the same kingdom - he must love his cousin very much.

Meanwhile, Jia Xu got some bear paw smack... 

And for the first time this game froze on me! Here I thought console games aren't troublesome like PC games... Guess I was dead wrong... If there's a first time, there will be the second time... and third time... and so on... :@/

Guo Jia: "So, it's another video of Master Xun Yu again, huh?"

Pippi: *slumping on table, holding head in her hands* "Unn. So what; I like it!"

Guo Jia: "I thought we're going to ride the mammoth?"

Pippi: "Hm? Oh, I must have forgotten to equip it."

Guo Jia: "Hmm... Our next battle will be to wipe out the entire of Dong Zhuo's forces - and also  to retrieve your daughter... I wonder who will lead the battle; you or Master Xun Yu?"

Pippi: *shrugs* "Anybody is OK. It doesn't matter."

Guo Jia: *stares at Pippi* "What's with the sour face? Do you and Master Xun Yu finally fall out of love, perhaps?"

Pippi: "Unn." *nods dispiritedly* "I feel so unloved..." x_x

Guo Jia: *surprised* "Eh? For real?! But didn't you two often fight side by side in recent battles?"

Pippi: *sighs* "He doesn't give me anything anymore... Not the remaining of his tactics or the 6 stars weapon... Nothing."

Guo Jia: "Is that why you're still using your 5 stars weapon? Because he gave it to you?!"

Pippi: *still holding head in her hands, nods*

Guo Jia: "Why don't you just use the one that I gave you? It's the same with what he will give you, anyway - the same 5 stars, with the same elements... Only different affinity."

Pippi: *pouts, glares at Guo Jia* "It's not the same! How can it be the same!?"

Guo Jia: "Hai, hai. My gift is not as good as Master Xun Yu's!"

Pippi: "I don't need your sarcasm! Just leave...!" *makes weak shooing gesture with one hand*

Guo Jia: *still sticks around* "Well, can you blame him for feeling bored? You force him to marry you three times! Even if he's the most patient and kindest man in this DW universe, he will be on his limit already. Anyway, nobody plays this game the way you do; marrying the same man over and over again."

Pippi: *lets out a long sigh* "You're right. I should stop doing it. This current campaign shall be my last... The game is already fed up being played by me too, anyway; for it has started to freeze during gameplay."

Guo Jia: "I didn't mean that you should stop playing at all... Just marry different people in different campaigns... Then nobody will get bored."

Pippi: *suddenly gets to her feet*

Guo Jia: *calls to Pippi who's walking away with both shoulders slumped* "Where are  you going?"

Pippi: "To feed my polar bear... He's the only one who still wants me around here."

Guo Jia: "I still want you!"

Pippi: *not listening to Guo Jia* "Maybe I'll just stop doing this campaign right now... And go hunting for Bun Bun The Bunny, instead..."

Guo Jia: "Tsk!" *suddenly notices Xun Yu appearing with some scrolls in his hands, calls out to the man* "Master Xun Yu! Your beloved wife has something to say to you!"

Xun Yu: *halts, looks at Guo Jia then at Pippi, and then walks toward her* "What's the matter?"

Pippi: *hangs head low* "Xun Yu, I'm so sorry for being so annoyingly selfish all this time. I shall cancel our contract to get married 5 times. After this current campaign ends, Xun Yu is free to be with Cai Wenji, or whoever you like. Thank you very much for putting up with me, and for everything up until now." *bows deeply and then walks sluggishly away*

Xun Yu: "Eh? What - ?" *looks puzzledly at Pippi disappearing out of the room, turns head to Guo Jia* "What's that all about?"

Guo Jia: "You haven't given her the 5 stars weapon, have you, Master Xun Yu?"

Xun Yu: "No, because the game still hasn't given me the chance to..."

Guo Jia: "Well, you should give it to her soon. Otherwise, she will replace you - us - with Bun Bun The Bunny!"

Xun Yu: "Bun Bun The Bunny?" *frowns* "Who's that?"

Guo Jia: "Some monster wererabbit toy that somehow makes Sims 4 players so excited to go hunt for it, I believe."

Xun Yu: "I'm afraid I don't quite understand..."

Guo Jia: *pats Xun Yu's shoulder* "Please just do something so that she doesn't abandon this current campaign - and the entire game as well. It's something that only Master Xun Yu can do... Unless, you really dislike her... Then it can't be helped..."

Xun Yu: "......"

It seems that my Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 has shipped... according to the email that I received yesterday... So they do want to sell it to me - that's a relief... No tracking whatsoever available, though... Oh well, even if there's tracking record; it's useless if it's never being updated! Even with tracking record, I still don't know where the heck my English version of DW8 Empires is...! So, I guess it really doesn't matter whether there's tracking record or not... Because all just comes down to whether I'll be lucky enough to receive my purchased games - eventually, in this life time - or not. :@/

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Bear And Archery

So to return his courtesy of attacking me the other day, I invaded one of Dong Zhuo's territories... And like I've promised, I gave Guan Xing a chance to have revenge for being defeated and had his grand tactic arrows attack failed.

Unlike Guo Jia and Lu Xun, Guan Xing has 3 kind of recovery tactics... And overall, I don't really have anything to complain playing as him... Except for his musou attacks (both land and air) that I can't seem to control well... I mean, whenever I activate his musou, I really not sure whether I'll hit my intended target(s) or not... As you can see in the video above, it's also quite hard to see whether the musou attack hit anyone or not... (maybe if it did, it was purely by luck! ^^;) And therefore, I couldn't help but feeling that I was just wasting my musou... :@/ Also, in this battle, Guan Suo - Guan Xing's little brother - with his kangaroo boots (yeah, his extra large boots; which is also his new weapon in DW8 Empires, somehow make him look like a fighting kangaroo in my eyes xp) stole some of my killings! x_x; 

And Zhu Ran's violent wind grand tactic was failed because he managed to get himself defeated before the tactic could be initiated... Yeah, he shouldn't have barged in to the enemy's main camp by himself, ne... xp Anyway, shortly after I acquired this area, Da Qiao's forces attacked me and so, I gave Zhu Ran a chance to shine as well... 

Zhu Ran doesn't have any recovery tactic either... But he has the catapult tactic - that I used in this battle - and that violent wind grand tactic, that I didn't use this time. And at least his level 4 bow has healing element, so it's not so bad even though doesn't have recovery tactic. What I find it kinda inconvenient playing as Zhu Ran is; I can't slash enemy using the bow... In SW series, if I use bow weapon, besides shooting arrows at enemy I can also slash them using the bow. But not for Zhu Ran's bow... His is strictly for shooting arrows only! x_x It's quite frustrating, ne, for I wanted to just slash the enemy as well to make it faster to defeat them... And I also found out that his land musou is really not effective... At least for me... Because it's really like the real archery... Aiming and shoot... I thought I was aiming at Cao Cao, but how come when I released the arrow, it flew to Ma Dai instead... And worse, he blocked it! (>.<) I thought; dammit! I should've used the air musou instead, ne, it would be more effective! What a waste of my musou... :@/ No wonder Zhu Ran himself prefers doing air musou all the time... Because it's more effective... 

And Xu Shu initiated flood attack... But it got thwarted by yours truly; me - or should I say, my alter ego... who was moving and fighting using A.I. How he whined about it...! xp Yeah, Xu Shu is a loser, lah... I never like him - he doesn't look cool, even a bit, in my eyes!

(Oh yeah, for some reason, in this video you can see the polar bear's butt quite often... ^^; Yeah, my polar bear was just standing there carefreely watching me fighting in frustration...)

And that damned Da Qiao! Right after I kicked her out, she came back again immediately - attacking me twice in a row! My main officers had been hurt from the previous battle, so I just brought a few who weren't participated in round 1... I could've played as Guan Suo if I wanted to... But I've ever played as him once and I couldn't really fight well using his kangaroo boots actually... So, forget it. Since I didn't want to lose the area, I guess I had to fight as myself...

At the end of the battle, I had a duel with Xu Shu... I guess he had a grudge against me because I failed his tactic before... Well, try as he might, he still got slain in the end, even after using lightning and poison gas... Total loser indeed! xp From this battle I actually captured Yue Jin, but he refused to join me... So he got executed, then. xp Yep, if I ask you to join, you'd better join... or die...! *wagging my spiky tail* Speaking about prisoners, Guan Xing actually captured and hired Yue Ying and 2 other generics... I want none of them, so I dismissed them afterwards... Zhu Ran captured and hired a generic... whom I also fired. 

After attacking me the second time, and got kicked for the second time, Da Qiao then got attacked by Dong Zhuo and lost one of her territories to him! HAHAHA! Talking about karma! xp I still won't forgive her for giving Xun Lin to Dong Zhuo, ne! And now she annoys me even more... Just wait until I crush you...! *flexing my clawy cat paws* 

Anyway, as you can see in these three videos, I'm currently using a polar bear as a ride... Well, just because... I like polar bears! <333 And it'd be good if the bear can actually hurt the enemy... Well it will scratch enemies, but it will take some time to actually kill them, and meanwhile your character riding on top of the bear will already get their life gauge reduced quite a lot. So yeah, I guess the polar bear is just for riding only. Actually I also just obtained a mammoth... Let's see... Maybe in the next battle, we'll ride the mammoth... xp 

Xun Yu: "I think Guo Jia has beat you to it." 

Pippi: "Eh?" *looks at the direction Xun Yu points, sees Guo Jia helping Lu Xun riding the mammoth* "Hey! That's for battle, ne, not for you to go on a date!"

Guo Jia: "It's OK, isn't it..." *rides the mammoth himself* "If we spot enemy on our outing, we'll just stomp on them."

Pippi: "It's not OK! Leave the mammoth alone!"

Lu Xun: "Um, Master Guo Jia, are you sure this is a good idea...?"

Guo Jia: "It's all right, it's all right. You'd better hold on tight, though, my dear... I don't want you to fall off. <3 Here we go..." *takes the rein and looks at Pippi who's glaring daggers at him* "If you're so envious, just ride your beloved bear with your beloved Master Xun Yu. Ciao." *winks and off they go on the mammoth's back*

Pippi: "Hmph!" *grabs Xun Yu's hand* "Xun Yu, let's ride the polar bear!"

Xun Yu: "Hm? Can two people ride on the bear's back?"

Pippi: *thinks for a moment* "Can, can! Come, we shall retrieve the poor mammoth!" *drags Xun Yu with me to the bear stable*

Xun Yu: "I don't think Guo Jia has any intention to steal it."

Pippi: "Well... We're just going to make sure!" *actually just wants to ride the polar bear with Xun Yu, doesn't really care if Guo Jia wants to run off with the mammoth* xp

And... my Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 is still not yet shipped... I really doubt they want to sell - and ship - it to me, ne... x_x And I still haven't received my English version of DW8 Empires either... I think it has been lost somewhere... Most probably the ass customs stole it... :@/

NOOOOoooo...!! Don't steal my English version of Xun Yu!!! x_x 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sims 4 and Origin Get Better and Better! *sarcasm*

So, it seems there's a new game patch for Sims 4 today... (What; they actually want to fix the previous patch that causes overheating?!! O.O *shocked*) And there's also another Origin update yesterday, it seems... I took a look and it's version 9.5.10... They re-release that shitty update again!?? That's the very version update that made my stupid Origin wanted to keep updating itself over and over again and thus, I had to uninstall and reinstall it again! EA... Really gets more and more fucked up! *shakes head*

Oh well, I refuse to be annoyed by such kind of nonsense all over again, that's why I don't even open Origin and my Sims 4 anymore. And I'm also rather reluctant to buy Get To Work because it will make my Sims world being invaded and invested with aliens! x_x Anyway, I read at SimsVIP that the new game patch add Easter eggs hunt into the game, but it will only available during April... Though, you can keep whatever egg you find forever... And it seems that if can collect all 10 decorative eggs, then you can get Bun Bun the Bunny... Hmm... No idea how this Bun Bun the Bunny looks like... It's under toys... So, could be quite a big bunny... like the big bear... Maybe... Wonder if it's cute... No picture of it, ne... 

NO. NO. NO!! I'm not tempted! Can't tempt me with Bun Bun the Bunny! (>.<)

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Even More Guo Jia x Lu Xun

Here's a video of invasion and defensive battles, starring Guo Jia and Lu Xun...

Since I'm always using Lu Xun's double swords for my Pippi character, of course if you've been watching my videos, Lu Xun's fighting style will look so familiar to you. ^^; And in the beginning of the video, if you get dizzy watching him - the garbage quality that YouTube gives to my video aside - it's because Lu Xun used tactic that increases his speed. Really, when I was playing the game, he moved so fast my eyes could barely catch up... But it seems Guo Jia was quite smitten by that swiftness. xp

Both Guo Jia and Lu Xun don't have any kind of recovery tactic with them... They both have grand fire attack tactic, though... Talking about having some things in common, ah... xp It's really bleh that you can't heal yourself, and others as well, whenever you need some healing... Like when I was playing as Lu Xun and Guo Jia was dying after getting hit by Deng Ai's attack, I couldn't do anything but make Deng Ai and cronies pay for that... Same when I was playing as Guo Jia and Lu Xun got grabbed by one of Dong Zhuo's generics and got spun around -  you can see his feet in midair in the video, actually ^^; - all I could do is just whack everyone of them to death... while losing half of my life gauge in the process... ^^: 

Zhu Ran tried to do sneaky air musou attack again on me...  But I saw it coming this time, so I could get away - Not this time, Zhu Ran! xp And when I did invasion on the capital of the kingdom where Zhu Ran belonged to; they were actually quite out-numbered, ne... And everything was going well for me... until Fa Zheng initiated the lightning attack... What happened is; after the lightning attack was successful, I could see enemy lost some of their life... But then all of a sudden, for whatever reason that I couldn't understand, I saw that my whole force just disappeared! I mean, looking at the troop stats; one moment it showed blue had great advantage over red, and the next moment, no more blue... just a bit of red left! I was like, WHAT THE HECK!? O.O I didn't receive any notice about anyone struggling and/or got defeated... I mean, even if I missed the notification, every time my officers struggle or get defeated, they will whine about it... So as ignorant as I might be, I couldn't miss that, could I? But there was no such thing, ne... Just suddenly all my force got wiped off, shortly after the lightning attack... The enemy didn't do any grand tactic at all... So, I really don't know what happened, ne... Could be a glitch? Or is it the lighting attack has side effect that will bounce back to the initiator? But I think I remember in my other battle where Fa Zheng did the lighting attack too, and I didn't lose my entire force... I was playing as me, if that makes any difference... 

Ah, dunno lah, I guess at most it's just because of my own incompetence... :@/ Yeah, I still won in the end... But it's really an awful battle, if you ask me. x_x

Anyway, now I've got Zhu Ran and Guan Suo joining my harem kingdom...

I also got Yu Jin from battle... He's not actually what I'd call... meeting the criteria for my harem kingdom... He's quite an oyaji, ne... ^^; But I guess I'll keep him for now... See if he's useful or not... And in the defensive battle against Dong Zhuo's force, Guan Xing got defeated - and hence, his grand tactic failed - I couldn't save him because I was busy whacking Dong Zhuo and his generic cronies using Guo Jia's balls... So maybe the next time I invade one of Dong Zhuo's territories, I'll let Guan Xing have his revenge by playing as him... Let's see what kind of weirdness or glitchiness or incompetence-ness that I will encounter later... ^^;

Guo Jia: *gently pats Lu Xun's head* "Sorry I couldn't prevent that brute of Dong Zhuo's from harming you. Does it still hurt?"

Lu Xun: "Ah, it's OK.. It's nothing, really, compared to my failure in protecting you... Master Guo Jia, you almost died! I even cost our kingdom a great loss of troops... I'm so incompetent...!" *hangs his head low*

Guo Jia: *chuckles softly* "Indeed you are..." *lifts the boy's chin up with his hand* "So, what kind of punishment you should get, you think?"

Lu Xun: *looks directly into Guo Jia's eyes in determination* "I shall take anything!"

Guo Jia: "Mmm. Then..." *leans in and presses his lips against Lu Xun's*

Lu Xun: "!" *eyes widen, surprised by the sudden kiss, tries hard to resist* "... MM... M...M-Master Guo Jia... Please don't... People are watching..."

Guo Jia: "holds Lu Xun's blushing face in his hands* "So what? Let them watch and be envious..." *claims the boy's mouth again*

Lu Xun: "Master Guo Jia... MMH...!" *slowly flutters close his eyes, accepting the deep kiss* "MMM... <333"

OK, CUT! Stop right there! xp Look who's being lovey dovey now! xp Anyway, I checked my email earlier and it seems my Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is already shipped... Still no news about my Japan import of Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3, though... Could be not happening for it, I guess... :@/ And I still haven't received my English version of DW8 Empires, ne... already a month, ne... Dunno where it went lost... The tracking record stopped updating 12 days ago... Said already in my country, but exactly where in this dump country, I have no idea... *sighs* Standard shipping from Amazon US is really slow... I can't afford the priority shipping, ne... Too expensive... :@/ Expedited shipping from Amazon Japan is more affordable... But unfortunately, it's very difficult to find a seller who wants to do international shipping there... I was quite lucky I found sellers who wanted to sell me my Japanese version of DW8 Empires and SW4-II... Now, there's nobody in Amazon Japan who want to sell these games outside Japan... Not anymore... So sad... Making me think that when SW4 Empires comes out, I may not be able to buy it... Must wait for the English version... if they ever make the English version... T_T

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Back To Defending Again...

Yeah, well, shortly after I invaded the area that belonged to Zhu Ran's kingdom - in order to get Lu Xun back - they began to attack me... So far they've done it twice and twice they got themselves kicked good... So desperate to get back the land, ah... Don't be such a sore loser, lah... Go invade someone else that you can defeat lah... 

Talking about being desperate... Huang Zhong is quite desperate to prove that he's still in his prime - despite his old age - he even used lightning strike before we could even collide! Oh well, such little sting doesn't mean much to me, since I'm still young... xp Nah, seriously, if it's in Hard or Chaos difficulty, lighting attack will really hurt. ^^; Oh, and I think I've read someone commented about how they should've made more family events for DW8 Empires... Maybe the birth event could be a bit better... Like showing the character holding their baby... But then he/she said that maybe some DW fans with weird taste then will abuse the event and make Xiao Qiao holds Huang Zhong's baby or something... ^^; Well, reading that, I did try to marry Xiao Qiao and Huang Zhong using event editor... *evil smirk* Hehehe, just for fun lah... And while Huang Zhong was on that wedding carriage with Xiao Qiao, he said; now that he has a young pretty bride, he can't die just yet! xp

And Lu Meng is really talented, I guess; he could initiate poison gas attack while he's frozen, ne! Yeah, he always uses poison gas when fighting against me... Dunno why... Lack of confidence to win fair and square, perhaps? xp From this defensive battle - that I uploaded - I managed to capture Zhenji... And of course she got executed! xp Well, even if I don't have any special recruitment policy, I'll still execute her simply because I don't like her. xp

I think for next battles, I'll fight as different characters... I bet you're bored watching me all the time... Well, I AM bored playing as me all the time... So I guess I should play as every officer that I have in my kingdom... Yeah, give them a chance to shine... (or not... ^^;)

And it's pretty much confirmed now that I won't buy Sims 4 Get To Work... At least not on the day it's released. I've used the money this month to buy Harvest Moon Story of Seasons - which will be available on the same day as Sims 4 Get To Work's release - and Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 for PS Vita (Japan import) and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate for PS4. I've been trying to get Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 but nobody at Amazon Japan sells it internationally... By chance I found a seller at Amazon US that imports it from Japan and seems want to ship it to my country... But see how if it's really possible... Scully tomorrow I'll get email saying that sorry, can't ship to your country! x_x; As for Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate... Well, actually I'm not really that fond of Orochi series... I've played 1 and 2...Not really like it much... And this US release must have English dub... I do welcome English text - then I won't have any difficulty in reading and understanding; like if playing with all kanji - but I always prefer that the characters speak in Japanese voice... Honestly, for me, their English dubbing is not nice. :@/ But since I still have some money to burn, fine, I'll buy it as well... It's for PS4 anyway... And it's certainly a better purchase than Sims 4 Get To Work that undoubtedly will have plenty of bugs and glitches and other nonsense... Well, what can you expect from a game whose mere patch can already break things and make your laptop close to explode? *snorts* Sims 4 should have a new copywriting; Sims 4 - It's Too Hot For Your Laptops To Handle!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: More Guo Jia x Lu Xun

Here's The Capitalist Event with bribe scene included...

Guo Jia wasn't seem too troubled to take the candy with the color of bright, golden yellow that's being offered to him by the merchant... ^^; While Lu Xun cutely tried to justify the bribing by saying that it's for helping ending the chaos (you know, use the money to provide supplies for army etc) xp

Guo Jia: "Hmm... With this amount of money we can have a grand banquet for 2 days... Ah, no, even 3 days! Let's go start preparing for it - mustn't forget to invite the ladies too!"

Lu Xun: "Eh?? But Master Guo Jia...!"

It seems that by default what you get in the gallery once you unlock this event, is this version with bribe scene. The shorter version without bribe scene, like what I did with Xun Yu the other day, can only be achieved in game, if you have a righteous nation. 

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Guo Jia x Lu Xun

Lu Xun: "Master Guo Jia, please let me love you forever."
Guo Jia: "Why, of course. And from now on, I shall use the remaining of my time to live only for you, my beloved."

Pippi: *clapping* "Hehehe... Nice, nice!" xp

Guo Jia: "Hm. Why didn't you use the video where Lu Xun confessed to me instead? I'd like to hear how he can't stop his feelings towards me."

Pippi: "Well, that's because your surprised face is not nice! While Lu Xun's looks cute! That's why it must be you who confess to him!" xp

Guo Jia: "I see... If I'm not mistaken, Master Xun Yu's surprised face when you confessed to him is also not nice. Shouldn't you hate him for that?"

Pippi: "Hmph, his still better than yours!" *sticks out tongue at Guo Jia* "Ha-ah, if only I could see how the child of you two would look like... Too bad that the option to make child in edit character mode is only available for the demo, and not in the real game as well."

Guo Jia: "Mm-hmm. But it's still possible to see how our child will look like."

Pippi: "Hmph, must be quite ugly!"

Guo Jia: "Perhaps. But I don't think they will be uglier than the children of you and Master Xun Yu."

Pippi: *gives Guo Jia some cat punch*

Yeahh, too bad, I can't make their child... The ability to create a child from 2 characters - even same gender - independently is only available in the demo... In the real game, I never find such feature in edit character mode, ne... So, I guess for the real game, you can only get child by getting married during your campaign... In other words, the children must be born in game; there's no other way to do it. And of course, the game still doesn't allow you to have same gender marriage. :@/

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Retrieving Lu Xun

So, when I resumed my third campaign last night, and I looked around the map, suddenly somehow I saw Lu Xun wandering in an area of Zhu Ran's kingdom next to mine! I was like; WOOHOO! Lu Xun did come back! Now I can retrieve him! \(^O^)/ I swear, the other day when I looked around the map - right after I established my own kingdom - I didn't find his name anywhere! But now that his name is back on the map, of course I must get him! And in order to be able to recruit him, I'd need to make that area mine first... So, off we went to the battlefield again; with Guo Jia leading this mission to get Lu Xun back (Yeah, you gotta grab your happiness with your own hands, Guo Jia! Ganbatte! xp)

Guo Jia doesn't have any recovery tactic, ne... So I guess to ensure our victory, I need to use fire attack as early as possible. Also, place down the wind tower to spread the fire all around... Hehehe *evil smirk* To my surprise, though, after the fire attack was successful, Xun Yu initiated flood attack...! I was like, oh my goodness, Xun Yu! Why did you do that... Wouldn't the water extinguish the fire?? O.o Oh well, I guess even if the fire would be extinguished by the flood, at least the life gauge of all the enemy across the map was already reduced quite a great deal. Turned out, even though the fire might have ceased burning in one place after the flood attack, it was still raging in the enemy's main camp... Wondering if that's thanks to the wind tower... ^^; And I expected Yu Jin to put up quite a fight even with his life gauge half-reduced... Scully, with just one air musou and a little slash, he's done already! *shakes head*

Meanwhile Zhou Yu, although dying - his life gauge only remained so little - somehow managed to stay alive until the end of the battle. I couldn't heal him because... heck, I couldn't even heal myself, if I need to! Dunno why Guo Jia doesn't have any recovery tactic with him. And I've noticed since my previous campaigns until now, that somehow Zhao Yun tends to be easily defeated by enemy, no matter how high his level is... He's supposed to be a mighty young warrior, ne - just like Yukimura in SW series - then how come he's so... weak in my kingdom...?!! His relationship level also decreases faster than anybody else's. 

From this... quite anti-climatic battle, we captured 4 generics... Yeah well, in this battle the enemy only had 2 musou officers; Yu Jin and Chen Gong; others were generics... But maybe because Guo Jia is not quite a kind person, none of those generics got hired. xp Well, yeah, it quite pleases me, because it saves me the trouble having to dismiss them myself later... Also it's quite amusing because this is the first time, when I fight as another character, that not even a single generic gets hired! Usually, at least I'd get one generic - worse, two or more - after fighting not as myself. 

Guo Jia: "You see, I'm the one who knows you the best." 
Pippi: "Hmph, don't get too conceited!" *sticks out tongue at Guo Jia* "Thanks, though, for not hiring any of the generics..."
Guo Jia: *chuckles* "My pleasure. So, can I expect a better reward than just a thank-you word?"
Pippi: "As a matter of fact, yes! We've successfully got Lu Xun back! Now you can play with him!" xp
Guo Jia: "Oh, I see..." *purses lips, muttering under his breath* "... And here I thought, I'd get something special...!"

Yes! Lu Xun is finally back! :@) After I won the battle and made that area a part of my kingdom, I went to recruit him immediately!

Pippi: "Welcome back, Lu Xun!" \(^O^)/
Lu Xun: "I'm back... Thank you for having me back again in your kingdom. I shall work hard to support you in uniting the land once again!"

This third campaign really has quite many unexpected things... I guess I'm glad that I didn't abandon it... And who knows, maybe there are still more unexpected good things ahead... For instance, maybe I finally can make a harem kingdom! xp Yeah, I'm going to re-implement my strict recruitment policy: ONLY RECRUIT THE GOOD LOOKING ONES! Well, at least decent-looking, if not good looking... ^^; Those who don't meet the criteria; EXECUTED! xp In my first campaign, since it's my first time playing, I was feeling quite insecure to maintain this recruitment policy; hence the failure in creating my dream harem kingdom. Now I think I can manage to survive, even if I'm being very picky in recruiting. xp

And so, since Lu Xun is already back here with us, I guess next we will see some Guo Jia x Lu Xun... Hehehe... Looking forward to it, right, Guo Jia! xp *ignoring Guo Jia who's sulking and muttering to himself*

Monday, March 23, 2015

Just Some Ramblings And Rants...

Just watched episode 11 of Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors) anime... Well, it seems the real final battle will take place in episode 12... which probably will be the last episode... Of course it won't end well like I want it to be - thanks to the history facts, but at the same time I dare the anime to surprise me... ^^;

I really hope they make SW4 Empires soon... And include Hideyori too... Then I'll make sure that Japan will still belong to him, and Mitsunari-sama's as well... I won't mind playing with all kanji again... Just make and release the game quickly! xp And of course hopefully there'll be a seller who wants to sell it internationally...

And speaking about upcoming new game... Sims 4 Get To Work is coming next week... No, I still haven't pre-ordered it. To be honest, I'm not very sure that I really want the EP now, actually... I mean, I'm still feeling quite excited about the retail features... Although they still don't want to make the customers go to cash register to buy stuff, and instead you or your sellers will ring them up using tablet... Their excuse is hey, tablets are modern stuff etc... Well, I'm not quite a big fan of futuristic things, so I still pretty much prefer the old-fashioned way of selling and ringing up customers using cash register like in Sims 2 OFB... Even so, what they promise to give in Sims 4 Get To Work is still way better than what they did with the Sims 3 Stupid Seller and Bakery... (of course, provided if EA has repented and going to keep their promise(s) now) So I'm willing to compromise... again... Well, Sims games, to me, has always been about compromising... 

HOWEVER! What bugs me the most and therefore makes me want to reconsider getting this Get To Work is the fact that this EP will bring back aliens... And worse, aliens will freely roam and mingle in normal Sims' neighborhoods - disguised or not disguised...! A lot of people like aliens, so they're very excited about this prospect. I don't like aliens, so I'm not happy about it. I mean, this game series have always had aliens, I know, but at least in Sims 2, the aliens are contained to Strangetown neighborhood; if you don't play in that neighborhood, you won't see them. In Sims 3, they brought back aliens in Seasons EP, but they will only show up once in a while... and I can just do Total Annihilation using Master Controller when I see one showing up in my Sims' lot - no big deal! But in Sims 4, if I buy and install Get To Work, I will see aliens everywhere! On the street, in the community lots, in my store...! x_x; There's alien world - or worlds, not sure if it's single or plural, not that I care about - which is a secret neighborhood, that can be accessed by scientist Sims or if having rocket with worm hole upgrade or whatever nonsense... Now, why don't they just make the aliens stay in their world, and if players want their Sims to mingle with aliens, just send them to their planet!?? Instead of forcing all players to accept aliens invading their Sims' normal neighborhoods!!? And the most basic question is, why the heck they must bring aliens in Get To Work anyway?!! Aliens should be included in Supernatural EP or Sci-Fi EP or The Creeps EP... Not in career/work-related EP! OK, there's Scientist career there, but like I've said; why don't they just make the aliens a privilage to Scientist Sims only!? Why can't EA and The Sims Studio people think of a middle way to make their customers - the players - with different taste and different play styles all happy?! Just make it so that those who want to see aliens, can see them; and for those who don't want to see them, they don't need to! Simple, right?! And yet, these people fail to grasp such simple concept of thinking... Or rather, they refuse to bother to even think and consider about it; that NOT ALL SIMS PLAYERS LOVE ALIENS!

And then of course there's another thing that also contributes to my reluctance to buy Get To Work... Recent technical issues I've got with their stupid Origin aside, it seems that there's a new game patch - in preparation for Get To Work EP - and I read at the official forum that after patching, some players' laptops, especially those with NVidia M series, start to experience overheating. I myself haven't patched because I haven't opened my game again for some days/week now... But considering that I also use laptop and NVidia M series, plus my very extreme good luck, I can say for sure that when I do patch my game and open it and play it, I'll surely be included in those who are very lucky to have overheating issue! :@/

So, the conclusion is... I don't know whether I will buy and install Sims 4 Get To Work or not. Maybe just wait and see... But really, Sims games with all their stupid nonsense, and bugs and gradually long loading time, have put out my passion for them quite a long time ago, actually... Though if they will ever make Sims 4 for PS4, maybe I'll get it... At least, on console, it will never take forever to load... Because there won't be EPs and SPs and GPs... And there will never be new glitch or bug or something broken with new patch, because I will never be able to patch - even if there is a patch available - because my PS4 isn't connected to internet.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Unexpected Things...

Yeah, I've started my own kingdom, by raiding the capital of Pang Tong's territories... And since I won, I've automatically got 3 territories already. Unfortunately, Lu Xun wasn't participating in the battle, for whatever odd reasons that the game may have... So, there went my plan to capture and hire him... :@/ What's worse is, when Pang Tong's kingdom is erased, Lu Xun also disappeared from the map! OH NO! x_x I don't know how with other people's game, but for me, so far, I never see character who has disappeared from the map make another come back later in the campaign, ne...! :@/ Doggone-it, ne! Why must he disappear! Why didn't the damned game include him in the battle so that I got chance to capture him! *growling and sulking*

Also, for whatever reason that the game itself knows, after I recruited Zhao Yun and Guan Xing prior to setting up my kingdom, somehow the game then allowed me to bring all my officers with me to our debut raiding. Which I'm quite glad... Because this first raiding is quite challenging, ne... I won't be confident to win if it's only me and Xun Yu and Guo Jia. x_x; I don't know if it's the rule that the game has for wandering generals who want to have their own kingdom... Or is it because I directly attacked the capital worth of 3 territories... I suspect it's the former, ne... Because after setting up my kingdom, attacking other territory feels normal like in previous campaigns. Or, most probably it's just me and my incompetence... That's why no matter what I do; no matter what awesome and high level weapons I've got, I still can't perform well. :@/

*sighs* In the end, what I've got from this battle is Fa Zheng and Jiang Wei, and a couple of generics. Just like in my first campaign, Fa Zheng easily agreed to join. While Jiang Wei arrogantly refused - what an ass; I've kicked him so many times before while I was a wandering general, ne, and kicked him again just now... Anyway, I actually planned to release him, but I guess since I'm used to execute so many people already - don't want to join, then die! - somehow the option that I clicked was EXECUTE instead of RELEASE. ^^; And so, Jiang Wei is dead now. For the generics, of course EXECUTE them as well!

And I got this horrible ugly disgusting yellow color as the color of my territories on the map! *grimaces* But of course the one thing that make me so unhappy the most about this third campaign is the fact that I can never get Lu Xun again in this very campaign! :@( Lu Xun, come back! Let me recruit you...! T_T Yeah, well, it's all because the previous dilemma on whether to save Xun Yun or get Lu Xun... I chose to save Xun Yun and now I lost Lu Xun... But I think if I had chosen otherwise, I'd have also got one and lost the other... :@/ It's always better to start as a ruler; already have a kingdom filled with officers that you want to have, right from the beginning...

Yeahh, so, my unhappiness almost make me want to just abandon this third campaign already... Or even if I have enough patience to end it, I'll just somehow end it - no need to care about things; just, whatever lah! :@/ However, there's another unexpected thing that happened right after I expanded my kingdom to 4 territories, out of fed-up-ness... Guess what?! I FINALLY GOT THAT DAMNED EVENT THAT I'VE BEEN DYING TO GET IN MY PREVIOUS TWO CAMPAIGNS!

Yeah, this Capitalist event! x_x I don't think that the guide saying that having a nation with evilness rating 1 and 99999 golds is 100 percent correct. I mean, it may work for some people, but it certainly doesn't work for me! I've proven that for me even with evil nation rating 1 and have more than 99999 golds, I can't get the event. And now, my current nation is another righteous rating 2 and I don't even have 99999 golds - I think at the moment I only have 55 thousand something golds - and somehow I managed to unlock this event! Well, I've got quite a number of materials that I gather from my wandering days; if that makes any difference... I don't even get the Wealthy Country event yet - I'm just starting my kingdom, ne - and yet I've already got this Capitalist event! Weird, right?! *shakes head* I think some events in this game unlock differently for different people with different playing style... So, what may work for other people, may not work for you... 

And of course this Capitalist event has 2 versions... For righteous nation like mine, I only get so far for this event... While for evil nation, you can get a bribery scene included in the event as well. 

So, the lesson is - what I've already always known, actually, from real life experiences - when I want something/someone, it's always likely that I end up not getting them, no matter how hard I try to... And when I least expect to get something/someone, it's always likely that I end up getting them quite easily and effortlessly... Talking about a fucked-up life... *sighs*

Guo Jia: "So, you've finally got what you've always wanted... And you even did the event with your dear beloved husband without having to stage it using event editor. I guess you're very happy now? No longer thinking about abandoning the campaign?"

Pippi: "Well, yeah, I do feel happy that I finally got this event... But I'm also still feeling regretful about losing Lu Xun..."

Guo Jia: "Well, there's always another campaign... And you can always pair me with him using event editor. Convenient, right?" 

Pippi: *looks at Guo Jia curiously* "Why you're suddenly so kind?"

Guo Jia: "How rude, ne. I'm always kind to the ladies... Especially the one that I care so much... For instance, I did notice that you walked a bit strangely when doing the event above."

Pippi: "Ah, that's because I kind of hurt my foot in our last battle."

Guo Jia: "Oh, is that so? And here I thought that perhaps Master Xun Yu has been too rough with you at night."

Pippi: "You know, even with my injured foot, I can still kick you!"

Guo Jia: *chuckles* "If you can get angry like that, then it means you're fine." *pats Pippi's head* "On serious note, when you get bored playing as good girl with Master Xun Yu, just come back to me."

Pippi: "Hmph! As if!" *sticks out tongue at Guo Jia*

Guo Jia: "Mmm. No one knows what will happen in the future... That's the interesting thing about life; don't you think? That's why, never say never."

Pippi: "Just go back to your bandit chief cave, lah!"

Guo Jia: "OK. If you promise not to miss me."

Pippi: "I WON'T!"

Hmm... I do think that my Pippi character walks kind of weird in the above event... Like a bit shuffling or something... But I guess, it maybe because of the programmed animations... ^^;

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Another Horrible-Looking Son and Other Events

Yeah, Xun Yi has already appeared... And he looks... Ugh! The game even gave him pants with that stupid tail, just to spite me, I believe. x_x Well, at least he has nice voice... 

And I've retrieved Xun Yun before he disappeared... So yeah, he's now my sworn brother, actually... Because I don't know what other method to make him join me - the option to ask to join never appears again. And I paid quite a lot retrieving Xun Yun that way; joined Liu Bei's kingdom in order to steal him and then left right away with him - I lost a great amount of materials and golds and troops that I've amassed for 6 years, ne! x_x Yeahh, I learnt it the hard way - next time I want to steal someone using this method, I'd better do it in the beginning when I have little to lose. 

I also almost lost Xun Lin... Or so I thought. She was initially in Da Qiao's kingdom, and the last time I checked, she was still there. Scully, then I looked again and her name wasn't there! I was quite upset, cursing myself for not paying close attention to her and now she's gone and I saved my game already... But then to my surprise, I found her in Dong Zhuo's kingdom! O.O Wonder what the heck Da Qiao was thinking; giving her to Dong Zhuo! Hmph, I'll make her pay for that later when I already set up my own kingdom! Oh well, to be fair, maybe she got captured during battle, but I didn't pay attention... Still, how dare Da Qiao giving my daughter to Dong Zhuo! (>.<) That's why when Da Qiao requested protection, no way I want to protect her! 

Next video is about Assassination Event that I got after successfully killing a ruler; Wei Yan.

I was thinking; what a coincidence that my mission was to kill Wei Yan... Maybe after he's dead, his kingdom would dissolve and Lu Xun would become a free officer that I could recruit... Scully, after Wei Yan's death, Pang Tong succeeds the throne - TSK! :@/ I've confirmed that even in this DW8 Empires, I still can't have more than 2 sworn siblings... So, the only way to make Lu Xun join me is to defeat him in battle, and hopefully I will manage to capture him and hopefully too he will agree to join... 

Speaking about free officers... I found Zhao Yun and Guan Xing wandering around, so I can recruit them... And I think I will do so soon... Because I think I will set up my kingdom soon as well... Though, actually, for the first battle - or raid - to capture a land, it seems I can only bring 2 generals with me... Even though I have 4 people with me now; including Xun Yun and Xun Yi. I don't know why - my skill level is already 41 now, so it must be not because of low skill level... Maybe it's the rule that for wandering generals, they can only bring 2 officers with them to their first battle/raid to set up their own kingdom. So I guess I'll bring Xun Yu and Guo Jia with me... I wonder if it's possible for just the three of us to win... x_x; At the moment, since I've got enough of the same old missions, I just spend my time to train my forces. I wonder if I should wait until year 17... Then I think I can get my achievement for becoming wandering general for 10 years... 

Anyway, actually there are other musou generals that are available for recruiting; like Guan Yu, Sima Yi, Sun Shang Xiang... But nah, I don't want them... I'm thinking, maybe now finally I can make my dream to have a harem kingdom - filled with good looking guys - come true! xp 

And the last, but not least, video is about Bandit Chief Event. It seems that I must have done quite a number of evil missions; like raid, robbery and assassinations, so that I got this event... Though I'm still very much in righteous path. ^^; Guo Jia will star for the event in this video... See his evil look... Tsk, tsk! xp

YouTube Link

Yeah, bandit chief Guo Jia... It will be even more like him if he also collects ladies in this event, eh... ^^;

BTW, my husband and brothers have started to give me things... Guo Jia has given me the wind summoning tactic... Xun Yun has given me the expensive recovery tactic - the one that fully recovers both life and musou gauges - that he inherits from Xun Yu... And Xun Yu has given me the rage musou tactic and 5 stars double blades. <333 Speaking about rage musou... now I'm using Zhu Ran's rage musou... And now that I can use my rage musou again using the tactic given by my beloved Xun Yu, I find out that Zhu Ran's rage musou isn't that effective to use, ne... Or rather, I can't seem to be able to use it effectively... x_x Oh well, since I can't change it halfway the game now, I guess I just have to deal with it. :@/

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Changing of Plan

Here's a video of Reliable Guardian Event. You can get this event after completing the escort missions chain; in which the last mission is protecting a ruler, with 5 stars difficulty and 10 minutes time limit. It's really a frustrating mission, simply because of the time limit... I barely made it before time ran out... x_x Was thinking I'd have to do it all over again, but somehow I managed to win the battle on my first attempt. I don't want to do this mission again... ever! ^^;

(What a garbage quality being uploaded on YouTube! It's supposed to be HD, ne!)

Let's see... The custom scenario for this video is after Xun Yu angered Cao Cao by advising against his ambition to become a Duke... Thinking that Xun Yu's loyalty to Han will be a big hindrance for him in the future, Cao Cao then secretly issued order to have Xun Yu disposed. Too bad for Cao Cao, Xun Yu has me as his bodyguard (and beloved wife xp) so his evil plan fails. Hehehe... No need to thank me, Xun Yu, just make sure you give me lots of loving huggy and kissy later! xp

(FYI: I made up the above scenario myself; the game doesn't have such scenario as far as I know)

Oh yeah, I think I read someone said that in the English version of the game, some events somehow don't have English subtitle (I think for DW8 Empires English version they keep the Japanese voice and only translating the text; like what they did for SW4)... I still haven't gotten my English version of the game, so I don't know if it's true or not. But if it is, then woah, what a poor quality control, ne! And to think that they even postponed the English version release for another month... Tsk, tsk, tsk!

And here's a video of me doing request mission from Xun Yun...

Yeah, his mission is escorting that wooden ox again... And he brought Zhenji with him, ah... :@/ Zhu Ran was one of my enemies here - together with Sima Zhao... You can see in the video - if you're lucky enough to be able to watch it with less garbage quality - that Zhu Ran sneakily did air musou attack on me! When I was fighting the battle, I really didn't notice him doing the attack, so I couldn't avoid it. But heck, it didn't hurt as much as Huang Gai's smack down... And I did punish Zhu Ran using Lu Xun's secret technique; which he reluctantly admitted as 'a perfect technique'... (in history, Zhu Ran always considers Lu Xun as his rival) Hehehe xp And since he's quite a gentleman enough to admit his defeat, I didn't mind helping him killing some tigers afterwards... I even later helped his kingdom in their invasion, ne... 

... Which I think somehow it brings doom to Xun Yun and my plan... x_x You see, after I helped Zhu Ran's kingdom - well, I call it that, but Zhu Ran isn't the ruler; the ruler is a generic - invading their neighboring territory, they then moved on to attack the next nearby territory in which Xun Yun is. When I saw that the territory was lost, I thought, hey, perhaps Xun Yun then became a free officer and I could recruit him that way... Scully, when I looked for him, I couldn't see his name everywhere on the map! I guess it only means one thing; he got executed! x_x So, I reloaded the game - luckily I hadn't saved yet - hoping to get another better result... But somehow sooner or later, Xun Yun's territory is doomed to fall, or if not, then the whole kingdom in which he belongs to will fall instead... And in both scenarios, he always gets executed because his name is always gone afterwards. OH NO! At first I was thinking maybe I'd help him when his territory got attacked... But this game is really pulling my leg, ne! Every time I was close to Xun Yun, his territory - or the kingdom he belongs to - didn't get attacked. But when I thought maybe he was already safe and I traveled a bit, then he would be attacked... and lost... and got executed...! x_x  

I guess the only way to save him is by joining the kingdom he belongs to, make him as my brother (yeah, my son becomes my brother - isn't it weird or what... But I guess it won't be as scary as if he did confess to me! x_x), and then leaves the kingdom with him... Of course if I do that, then my plan to get achievement for becoming wandering general for 10 years will be interrupted... Meaning I will have to start accumulating another 10 years if I want to get the achievement...  However, the achievement aside, if I really use this method to save Xun Yun from disappearing from the map, then it means I can no longer steal Lu Xun this way... Because I don't think I can have more than 2 sworn brothers... :@/ Of course I could just let Xun Yun disappear from the map - then I can have Lu Xun later - but... If I just let him die like that, then I don't think my conscience can take it well... I'll forever feel guilty toward both Xun Yu and Xun Yun - though I don't think either of them will care, since in this campaign they're no longer father and son, thanks to the game resetting the family relationship - and also toward myself... Mostly toward myself... Because I know that at the moment I still have chance to save him, and if I choose to not do it, then what will it make me? A horrible parent! And a horrible individual on top of that! x_x I know it's just a game, but still...!

So, I think I'll try to save Xun Yun with such method... Hopefully I still can save him... If somehow cannot, then at least I've tried... Better than choosing to not save him at all. As for getting Lu Xun, I shall find another way, then... Maybe attack Wei Yan's kingdom as my first official attack and hopefully I can capture Lu Xun, and hopefully he agrees to join... 

Guo Jia: "So, we're not going to steal Lu Xun, then? And instead, go saving your son who doesn't even remember that he is your son... And that's all because he's the son of you and Master Xun Yu - who actually doesn't remember that he's had a son in previous campaign... Geez, how you love that man, huh!" *sneers*

Pippi: "Shut up, Brother Guo Jia! I'll definitely get Lu Xun... Somehow... I'll think a way later... Unless..." *looks at Guo Jia*

Guo Jia: "Hm?" *looks back at Pippi and then smirks* You're regretting making me your brother, right? You're thinking that if only you hadn't make me your brother, then you still could use the stealing method to both save your son and get Lu Xun. Correct?"

Pippi: *nods, nods* "So, can you be so kind to sever our sibling ties?"

Guo Jia: "Hmm..." *considering* 

Pippi: *stares at Guo Jia with puppy eyes*

Guo Jia: "Yappari... Don't want, ne!" *smirking triumphantly* "I'll only sever our sibling ties if you give me Master Xun Yu's place beside you."

Pippi: "You... Evil!" *gives Guo Jia another cat punch* Hmph, fine! I'll find a way myself!" *stomps away angrily*

Guo Jia: "Mm-hmm. Good luck, ne. I'm looking forward to my good times with Lu Xun! You surely don't want me to be yaoi with your son, right?" 

Pippi: *growling, shakes paw fists at Guo Jia*

Oh well, I guess in this game - just like in real life - my plan never works... And so, whatever happens, happens lah. Let's see what the game has in store for me next... Whatever it is, I'll just deal with it... Somehow...