Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Takatora's Campaign

Chuusetsu no Shou is the title of Takatora's campaign; it means Chapter of Loyalty. The first movie for the campaign has setting of Anegawa Battle (Azai vs Oda) and after the battle.

About the dialogues (loosely translated):

Takatora: "Oda soldiers' fighting spirit... is not weaken at all."

Yoshitsugu: "However, we don't have any choice but to fight."

Nagamasa: "Todo Takatora, Otani Yoshitsugu. For fighting and bringing us victory in Anegawa, I shall give you letter of commendation."

Takatora: "To remember the names of low rank warriors like us...! And also, giving us letter of commendation even... We thank you very much!"

Oichi: "My big brother... Ah, no, I meant Nobunaga most probably will attack Odani Castle too. When it happens, will you help us again?"

Takatora: "Yes! Nagamasa-sama, Oichi-sama! We shall repay this kindness even if we have to die!"

Nagamasa: "To show loyalty is... to stay alive."

Takatora: "Yes!"

Battle 1 of Takatora's campaign is Battle of Odani Castle... It's pretty much the same with its SW4 version... Even the cut scene is the same; where Nagamasa had duel with Hideyoshi, and Hideyoshi tried to persuade the younger lord to surrender and reconcile with Nobunaga... But Nagamasa said he can't do that for he had his own dream... And then he got stabbed from behind by Nobunaga who said, "Nagamasa, you turned your back on me." It's double meaning sentence because yeah, figurative speaking, Nagamasa did turn his back on Nobunaga by rebelling/betraying him.

After Nagamasa perished in Odani, Oichi came back to Oda clan and then she became Katsuie Shibata's wife. So, now we go to movie 2 of Takatora's campaign which has setting after the Battle of Shizugatake (Toyotomi vs Shibata). 

The dialogues:

Takatora: "Oichi-sama! Oichi-sama, where are you, Oichi-sama!" 

Takatora: *finally finds Oichi but she has died* "Oichi-sama..." 

Takatora: *shouts angrily at Katsuie* "You bastard... How dare you...!"
(If I remember the history correctly, I think at the end of Battle of Shizugatake, Oichi committed seppuku with Katsuie... So, I guess she died first; getting help from Katsuie for her seppuku.)

Takatora: "HOW DARE YOU!" *charges at Katsuie*

Katsuie: "Oichi-sama's last request is for you to have pride in your way of living."

Takatora: "I will live... I will live on! I WILL...!"

The last battle in Takatora's campaign is of course Battle of Sekigahara, and of course he's in Eastern Army with Tokugawa... So, yeah, I'm reluctant to play it... x_x;

Takatora: "So you finally play my campaign!" *smirks triumphantly*

Pippi: "Hmph, that's because I feel pity for you - that's all. By the way, what an ironic title you have for your campaign!" *makes face*

Takatora: "What do you mean? And what's with that face!?"

Pippi: "For someone who serves 8 different lords during his career, it's not quite suitable to have campaign title such as Loyalty Chapter. It should be chapter of flip-flopping loyalty!"

Takatora: "Hmph, even so, I've always been loyal to all my lords during my servitude to them! You can see from the movies that I was loyal to my first lord; Nagamasa-sama and Oichi-sama, until the very end!"

Pippi: "Hai, hai. You're also very loyal to your last lord - that stinky Tokugawa! By the way, I'm not playing your last battle!"

Takatora: "What the heck with that half-ass attitude!? If you start something, you must finish it!"

Pippi: "Hmph, unless you defect to Western Army in the middle of the battle, I'm not playing your last battle! I don't care about your ending movie; at most you'll just be huggy huggy with Tokugawa... Who would want to see that! So disgusting!" *makes vomiting gesture*

Takatora: "What do you mean by 'huggy huggy with Tokugawa'... !? I never hug him!"

Pippi: "I've seen enough of it in Sengoku Musou anime! I refuse to see it in my game as well!" *sticks out tongue at Takatora*

Takatora: "Like I've said; I never hug Tokugawa! When did I do that?!!"

Pippi: "Tsk. I'm not playing your last battle! That's it!"

Takatora: "Hmph. And I was tolerating it when you paired me with that fox Mitsunari in Battle of Kyuushu! The least you can do is showing some tolerance too by playing the last battle in my campaign!"

(Mitsunari: "Just so you know, I didn't agree and absolutely didn't enjoy being paired with that tanuki's lapdog either!")

Pippi: "Hmph, I did do that because you're huggy huggy with Tokugawa!"

Takatora: *growls* "Like I've already said! When did I hug Tokugawa?! In my campaign so far, I only have one short event with him, and we're just talking!"

Pippi: *growls back* "No matter what you say, or do, I WILL NOT play your last battle!" *throws steamed bun at Takatora and stomps away*

Takatora: *catches the steamed bun, grumbling*

Yoshitsugu: *pats Takatora's shoulder* "I believe there are other people who play your campaign to completion. So, no need to feel annoyed."

Yep, Yoshitsugu is correct. There are other people who will (and have already) play Takatora's campaign until finish... And I believe they do it much better than me, so yeah... If you're curious about his ending, you can try searching for it on YouTube or maybe you'll find more luck at Japanese video streaming sites.