Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Starting Third Campaign

Yeah, I'm still feeling unwell ever since last night... But I guess I'm still alive... Somehow... x_xm So, I started my third campaign; starting out as a wandering neko general... ^^;

That's how Pippi met Xun Yu and fell in love with him at the first sight, from the side road... xp And she swore to herself that she'd definitely made him hers! xp (Nah, seriously, that's not what she really said in the video ^^;)

And what's better way to get the man's heart, other than saving him from a bunch of wolves? xp Hehehe... Don't believe me? Shortly after that, he confessed to me - that's a fact! xp

Well, actually, right after that wolves mission, before he confessed to me, Xun Yu asked me to join him.

(Yeah, you can't see it very clearly because we did it secretly behind the screen xp)

Unfortunately, I had to decline because he's not the ruler, ne... The kingdom he belongs to in this custom scenario is ruled by Lu Bu, if I agreed to join him, then it means I would be working for Lu Bu. Cannot, ne, I want to build my own kingdom from scratch... Though, if Xun Yu was the ruler and he asked me to join him, I wouldn't mind working for him. xp And since I had to reject the invitation, I had to see his sad face... Sorry, Xun Yu... T_T

And then, the next month, something weird happened... Somehow Xun Yu disappeared from the map - I couldn't find his name anywhere! I was thinking; what the heck!? Don't tell me that Lu Bu killed him because I didn't want to be recruited!? It's really weird, ne... How come he just disappeared while I didn't get any kind of notification whether he got dismissed or captured by enemy or executed or something... *frowns* Luckily, I hadn't saved, so I just reloaded the game again... back to the time when Xun Yu was still around. Bu then the same next month, he disappeared again! O.O So, I exited and reloaded the game again - thinking that if the same weirdness happened again, I'd just start over with brand new map - and this time Xun Yu didn't disappear... He confessed to me... And kept asking me to join him... And I had to decline him every time - what a hard thing to do! x_x You see, I wanted him to join me instead, but I was still broke, ne... Didn't have enough gold to meet the requirement to ask him to join me (and of course his friendship level has to be S, in order for him to want to join, but that's not a problem, because of course he's already on S level because he has confessed to me). And so, I spent some months just to collect 4500 gold in order to be able to ask him to join me, before he decides to disappear again! ^^;

Of course he agrees to join me! xp You can see from the picture above; it's already year 2 and I'm still level 6 - that's because I spent some months purely just to collect gold and didn't do any mission. And so, I've successfully retrieved my handsome husband... xp Though we haven't gotten married - again - yet... xp Next I should retrieve my children; Xun Lin and Xun Yun... But since they're in different kingdoms, I think I will have to travel to their areas first before I can ask them to join me... Yeah, it's very lucky that I start in the same area where Xun Yu is... Otherwise, it will take even longer time to retrieve him... If he doesn't strangely disappear first, that is... ^^;

So, for the time being, it's just the two of us! <333 Actually I'd like to retrieve Xun Lin and Xun Yun ASAP as well, but for whatever reason, I don't see the travel option, ne... But I should be able to travel, I'm sure... (Or is the option only available if I'm still all alone?? O.O) Oh well, see how lah... If I manage to get Xun Lin and Xun Yun back to my side, then it's great... If not, then I'll just be all lovey dovey with Xun Yu here! xp 

Come to think, I have quite a nice house with some expensive-looking vases, even though I'm still quite poor, ne... ^^: