Monday, March 30, 2015

In Search For A Happy Ending...

Yeah, just watched the last episode of Sengoku Musou Anime... And no matter how I wished for the anime to surprise me by giving a good and happy ending, of course it didn't happen. It's all according to the history that Toyotomi clan would be wiped out and Tokugawa would be the winner. It quite sickens me how they - the anime producer(s) and scriptwriter(s), I guess - romanticized things; making Tokugawa to look as if he's one righteous ruler! *makes vomiting sound*

With defeat was in sight and conclusive, Hideyori burnt the Osaka castle along with him; as a marking that the Toyotomi clan died with him. Takatora resented that and grumbled to himself about how come Hideyori didn't choose to use his courage to create a better future, instead. Hmph, create better future by becoming Tokugawa's dog like him?! NO WAY! :@/ Plus, there can be no such thing as better future created by person/persons who don't have justice in their heart to begin with.

Well, I guess, most people in general may think that Takatora's - and also Nobuyuki's - opinion is correct; that we must live on no matter what... That by living on then we can aim for better life/future or whatever similar crap... However, those who agree with Takatora and Nobuyuki certainly can't see and understand that for some people, like Hideyori and Yukimura, to live by discarding their beliefs and honor is worse than death. For me, myself, I too believe that if you lose sight of who you are and give up on what your believe, then it means that you lose everything... You may still be alive but what's the point? Can you really find happiness by selling your soul? 

So yeah, of course Yukimura also died... That's according to history, too... In the ending of the anime Kunoichi brought together Yukimura's headband and the fragment of Mitsunari's headgear and put them under the Sakura tree at Ueda Castle... I guess if I want a yaoi pairing for Mitsunari, I really should pair him with Yukimura... And not with Ranmaru or Takakage... ^^; Well, SW fans, who are also into yaoi, mostly of course pair Mitsunari with Sakon... I've got nothing against Sakon, but dunno, ne, I never have any interest to pair him with Mitsunari... But one thing I'm certain; I will never want to pair Mitsunari with Kanetsugu... Because in the end Kanetsugu betrayed the vow they made together... No matter what kind of alternative ending(s) the game may give, it won't change that historical fact, ne. So, no Kanetsugu x Mitsunari for me! NEVER! (>.<)

As for my own happy ending... Let's see if later I'll be in the mood to continue my DW8 Empires campaign... But if I DO continue it later or tomorrow or someday, despite what I rambled in yesterday post, there's no fucking way I'd give Xun Yu to Cai Wenji or anyone else! Not in my game at least! So what if I want to marry him 5 times - or even more?! It's my own fucking game, so I can do whatever I want! And he won't refuse me, anyway, as long as his relationship level is S. All the characters in this game are devoid of actual feelings of their own; all are scripted. And that means, I can write my own script too - even if it's only in my head! xp So what if Xun Yu hasn't given me my 6 stars weapon? He will give me sooner or later... The hell if I want to let him go just because of that! I'm not that good of a girl, ne! xp 

XUN YU IS MINE! ALL MINE! FOREVER MINE! (in my game and imagination, of course ^^;)