Saturday, March 14, 2015

To Whom It May Concern - BOZOS At YouTube

When I was organizing my YouTube videos just now, I found something quite amusing... It seems that a certain fellow from this certain backwards country has a distaste for videos of me - Empress Pippi - and Xun Yu... (though I wonder why he/she didn't click that Dislike button for videos of our children as well). I bet this fellow is a die-hard fan of the pairing of Xun Yu and Cai Wenji (I really don't know why there's idea for such pairing, actually... Did Xun Yu have anything to do with Cai Wenji in history...? *tilts head, thinking* I don't think so, but could be I forgot something from my history lesson... Though I think I'm pretty sure that Xun Yu's wife in history IS NOT Cai Wenji!)... Or maybe if the fellow is a yaoi fan, then he/she is the supporter of Xun Yu x Guo Jia pairing. Or maybe he/she just wants Xun Yu for himself/herself... (which he/she can do very easily in his/her own game, right? Right! So stupid! *snorts*)

Ah, this really makes me want to upload more videos of me and Xun Yu even more! xp Yeah, just to irritate that bozo! See how long his/her fingers can press that Dislike button before finally come off! *evil smirk*

On the serious note, I personally think that Likes/Dislikes feature on YouTube is the stupidest idea mankind ever came up with! Maybe people in general likes the idea of their videos to be rated in some ways... But it's all based on personal taste, ne! So, how can such rating be called objective that way? And there's also the case of some nutcases out there who really don't have anything better to do with their pathetic life and miserable free time, so they seek pleasure in abusing the rating function. 

I think I ever read a few posts at Google forum demanding the Likes/Dislikes feature to be erased from YouTube. And guess what some smart-ass bozos' replies to that kind of posts? They're all shouting about it's viewer's right to like or dislike something - you can't take that right away! Well then, if the viewers have right to like or dislike something, shouldn't the uploaders also have right whether they want to be unfairly rated or not rated!? But of course, bozos won't think that far! It's waaay beyond what their small brains - if they even have brains to begin with - can comprehend! *snorts* 

For me, those kind of personal videos uploaded on YouTube is un-rate-able. What I mean is: people have different taste and values; what you - as viewer - may think as garbage, it may be a treasure to the uploader. And so, what right do you have to diss what other people like/love? As if your own taste is so great! *snorts* If you're really human and an educated one, you should think first before you click that Dislike button - do you want your videos, or other favorite things. to be disliked too? If the answer is NO, then DON'T DISS what other people like/love! 

I myself never press Dislike button even when I come across a video whose content is disagreeable to me or really stupid and lame in my opinion... Because I try to respect the uploader's private taste and value and opinion. If I don't like a video, I just don't watch it and go find something else that I like - simple as that! On the other hand, if I really like a video and/or I think a video is really interesting or cool or something positive like that, I certainly bother to press the Like button to show my appreciation towards the uploader. 

It's not that I believe the saying that doing good deed to others and others will do good deed to you too... Because reality doesn't work that way - yep, life is nothing but unfair. And see, even though I never press Dislike button for others' videos, I still get Dislikes for my own videos, just the same. Even so, it doesn't make me want to do blind revenge and start pressing Dislike button for every video that I hate from now onwards. You may call it silly, but I will keep sticking to my own ideals and values... SIMPLY BECAUSE I REFUSE TO BECOME A BOZO!

(Ne, ne, Xun Yu, didn't I just say something cool?! xp Praise me, praise me...! Reward me as well! <333)