Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Still Pippi and Xun Yu

Here's a video of when I did another request mission from Xun Yu; this time guarding the wooden ox - supposed to contain supply, I think - that can move by itself... Really, I find it quite amusing that the wooden ox can move by itself... If it's a horror movie, it will be quite scary, ne... ^^; Anyway, I guess it's another video with garbage quality after being uploaded on YouTube... Oh well, I didn't fight impressively, anyway... Though according to Xun Yu, I did. xp *goes rewarding Xun Yu with a kiss*

So, I guess I've found the travel button... It's all the way down there... Didn't notice yesterday... Thanks to my muddled head and it's in kanji... ^^; And so, now I already have both Xun Lin and Xun Yun on S level... HOWEVER! I can't seem to ask them to join  me because the option for it now has disappeared! O.o Yeah, really, it disappeared... I don't think I mislooked this time... It's simply not there anymore, for whatever reason. I can't use the recruit option on them because they're not free wandering officers. :@/ So, either later by miracle then the option to ask to join appears again, or I'll need to whack them first and then hopefully they will want to join me... x_x;

I don't know; maybe this game wants me and Xun Yu to take over the entire China by ourselves. Well, I don't mind if it's possible... But it's not, ne! I even wonder if it's possible to attack and claim a piece of land with just the two of us... I mean, yeah, of course it's possible in the sense that the game will let me do that, but the question is; whether we will win if it's just me and Xun Yu. So, yeah, at the moment I'm kinda doubtful about our future here... ^^;

And then Xun Lin, on S level now, started to introduce me to random people... First, a generic, then lately she kept showing Zhang Fei to me! x_x Stop doing that, ne! I'm already with your father, ne! (>.<) (At least she should have introduced me to someone with decent looking, ne! Does she think I want to marry Zhang Fei?!!) Oh well, this kind of annoying nonsense will only stop once I get married...

Also, I just realized something terrifying! With Xun Yun on S level, and his family relationship with me has been reset, he will likely to confess to me anytime soon! O.O NOOOO!!! That'd be very scary!!! Can't happen!!! (>.<) I don't want to play incest game here, ne... Even if the game no longer recognizes him as my son, I still remember that he is, ne! And besides, compared to the son, I like the father much much much more! xp 

So, I guess I need to get married ASAP now... x_x; Before the forbidden confession happening... I really hope I can prevent it... Lucky I realize it, otherwise, if I do get Xun Yun's confession, I'll have nightmares because of that! x_x; 

BTW, I think I want another son in this campaign... Maybe I can get lucky enough this time to have a son who takes after me... While Xun Lin really takes after her father - not necessarily in physical appearance, but more like how she's too kind, calm and well behaved; she even has request missions that are similar to Xun Yu's... I don't think Xun Yun takes after me at all (or either of us, actually!) But then again, I bet the game will, by default, give me a daughter... Then I will have to manipulate it in order to get a son... And then in return the game will grudgingly generates another weirdness as our son again...! x_x 

Well, if you'd like to know what kind of weirdness we will get as our son this time, please stay tuned! ^^;

Oh yeah, I changed our home...

Yeah, now it looks all bright and shiny... xp