Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Pippi and Xun Yu

As promised, I uploaded a video of me and Xun Yu... xp

It's not really an impressive battle, I must admit, but I got to fight alongside Xun Yu in this battle, so I uploaded it xp (yeah, you hate seeing me with him, I shall give you lots of me and him to see! xp)

I really like when he sticks close to me in battle, ne xp So if he gets hurt then I can heal him... Like when Lu Meng used the poison gas on us, I healed him... Well, it might be not a major reduce of life gauge, but it's always better to have your life gauge fully healed than not... Because you never know what's waiting ahead. And also, near the ending of the video, a generic dared to whack Xun Yu in front of my eyes, ne! Of course, I immediately made him pay for that! xp

Xun Yu: "Actually you hit me a few times too."

Pippi: "EH?!! Did I!??" *eyes big, blinks, blinks*

Xun Yu: "Mm-hmm. You can be quite careless when fighting."

Pippi: "... Sorry..." *hangs head low* "I never meant to hurt Xun Yu..."

Xun Yu: "I know." *smiles, gently pats Pippi's head with his hand* "It's all right; even if you hit me by mistake, I don't get hurt."

Pippi: *lifts head fast, staring at Xun Yu in disbelief* "Really!??"

Xun Yu: *still smiling, nods* "Yes, really. The game only makes me do the getting hit animation if you hit me by mistake, but in reality I don't get any damage from it. So, there's no need for you to blame yourself."

Pippi: "Well... If it ever hurts, even just a bit, tell me immediately, ne! I'll heal Xun Yu right away!"

Xun Yu: "You don't have to worry so much about me - although it does make me happy. Just save your tactic points for fighting enemies."

Pippi: "Hehehe, it's OK. I'll heal Xun Yu without any tactic points!"

Xun Yu: "Oh? How?" *looks intrigued*

Pippi: "I shall kiss all Xun Yu's pain away!" <333

Xun Yu: *clears throat* "Let's save this talk for our private time, shall we."

My DW8 Empires game is really generous to me in the matter of randomly pairing me and Xun Yu in battles, or other... Just like when I was about to start this current campaign of no importance, the game randomly put us together in same kingdom - was quite amused when I saw that! xp And it happened twice, because I kept generating new maps because I don't want to whack Xun Yu or my own alter ego... or our kids... ^^; But on the other hand, my game is really stingy in the matter of letting me unlock the event that I want! x_x; Yeah, even up till now, I still have no luck in unlocking The Capitalist event, ne! Always, I only got the Wealthy Country event! Even with evil nation rating 1 and my gold is already 6 digits - as far as I know I've met all the requirements for unlocking the event - I still can't get it!! (>.<)

Oh well, like I've said; if it's impossible then impossible lah... I've decided to just abandon this current campaign of no importance; I started it just because I wanted to get The Capitalist event, anyway... And now that it doesn't seem to give me that - the campaign is already near the end and still no Capitalist event - I refuse to waste any more of my time for it. I'll just move on to my next campaign... Which I think this time I'm going to start as a wandering general first. I doubt I will get the event later, but if by chance - or by some miracle - I can finally unlock it, then it will be great! But if not, then I guess I just have to live with it. At least my nations are wealthy... It's better than being poor, right? Right! xp

Anyway, please look forward for more Xun Yu and me! xp