Monday, March 2, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Bullying Takatora xp

Yeah, I've finished Takakage's campaign last night... His ending is... well, personally I don't find it nice, ne... In addition to there's zombie Kanbei in it, Takakage being dead and became a spirit sitting on Sakura tree is not my idea of a happy good ending... x_x; Personally, I prefer his campaign in SW4 better...

Anyway, now that I've finished Takakage's campaign, what should I do next... Well, there's Takatora's campaign... Or should I play Nobuyuki's campaign, instead... At least Nobuyuki won't be in Sekigahara, so he can't whack Mitsunari... And clearing it will unlock some other campaigns, including Kanetsugu's... I don't think there's a campaign for Yukimura in SW4-II, though... There's also Naomasa's campaign, but no way I will play it - he's Tokugawa's subordinate through and through! :@/ The last one that's currently available and I haven't cleared yet is Koshosho's campaign... Hmm, I'm not sure I will ever be in the mood to play a bewitching man-eater... Besides, if I play her campaign, I'll have to play as Gracia too... (>.<)

And so, let's see if Takatora can convince me to play his campaign... Yeah, go bring me some gold and if I'm pleased, I shall consider it! xp

Pippi: "Only B, ah... Too bad, ne. Better luck next time!" xp

Takatora: "So you're playing my campaign or not?!"

Pippi: "Of course not. You didn't get A result!" *sticking out tongue at Takatora*

Takatora: "Didn't hear about that before! You just said to give you some gold; there, I got you more than 5000 gold!"

Pippi: *wags her finger* "Actually, to be exact, I only get 2000 gold. There's this thing called rewards tax, ne."

Takatora: "Hmph, so I tired myself for nothing!?"

Pippi: "Here, consolation prize." *hands a basket to Takatora*

Takatora: *looks at the content of the basket and then grimaces* "Steamed buns!!?"

Pippi: "Eh, it's not just ordinary steamed buns! It's bunny steamed buns! Cute, right?"

Takatora: "..........." *speechless, glaring at the bunny-shaped steamed buns*

Pippi: "Anyway, if you can finish all of those, perhaps I'll consider playing your campaign... Hehehe..." *cheerfully bounces away*

Takatora: "I can't believe I fell for such dirty childish trick!" *grumbling to himself*

Yoshitsugu: "Need a help to finish the buns?"

Takatora: "You can have them all." *hands the basket to Yoshitsugu and walks off*

Yoshitsugu: *calls at Takatora's leaving back* "Where are you going?"

Takatora: "Taking nap. I've got headache!"

About the steamed-buns matter, it's not me making it up myself, ne; it's a part of Takatora's events in SW4 Chronicle Mode. Here's the video of his events:

Pippi: *head tilted sideways, wondering* "Hmm... I really don't understand why Takatora can get 3rd place in SW4 Popularity Ranking (Yoshitsugu is 2nd place and Mitsunari is 1st place)... I mean, there's nothing romantic in your events, ne..."

Takatora: "Hmph, why should I go around hugging and confessing!? I'm a warrior, not a character in some cheesy shoujo manga!"

Pippi: "That's called giving fan service! You don't even understand that! Which leads us back to the question how come you manage to be popular with unromantic events...??" *thinking aloud* "You're not a tsundere heart-throb like Mitsunari-sama... You're not charming mysterious like Yoshitsugu... Your face is scary..."

Takatora: "Hey!"

Pippi: "... Your voice is also scary..."

Takatora: "HEY! Stop making it sound like I'm a very bad person!"

Pippi: *looks at Takatora* "Are you not? You'll whack Mitsunari-sama in your campaign, won't you?"

Takatora: "That's because he deserves to be whacked - to make him wake up from his delirious ridiculous unattainable dream!"

Pippi: "What's wrong with having a dream!? Mitsunari-sama's dream is much better, and nobler, than Tokugawa's!" *sees Takatora about to argue, presses steamed bun against his face* "Here, just eat steamed bun!"

Takatora: *grumbling, takes the steamed bun away from his face*

Pippi: "OH! I think I know what makes you get the 3rd place in Popularity Ranking! It must be the piggyback riding!"

Takatora: "Hmph, I objected, but the scriptwriter just went on with it! And see the result, I had to carry someone like you!"

Pippi: *glares at Takatora* "What do you mean by 'someone like me'!? I don't want to be carried by you either!" *sticks out tongue at him*

Takatora: *ignoring Pippi* "It'd be nice if it's someone like Lady Oichi - pretty, elegant, kind and gentle..."

Pippi: "Hmph, she won't want to be carried by you! She'll certainly choose Nagamasa who looks hundred times better than you!" *sees Takatora about to snap back, presses another steamed bun against his face*

Sakon: "Ha-ah, I think it'd be better if Takatora-san just go to Tokugawa's side already... Then, we will have some peace here."

Yoshitsugu: "Isn't it OK? They're getting along so well."

Pippi and Takatora: *snap at Yoshitsugu at the same time* "WE'RE NOT!"

Oh yeah, since I had to open my SW4 to record Takatora's events last night, I thought might as well play a bit... And I think I've confirmed that in SW4-II, the easy difficulty equals to the normal difficulty in SW4... The normal difficulty in SW4-II equals to hard difficulty in SW4... So, I guess hard difficulty in SW4-II must be like nightmare difficulty in SW4... Well, at least that's what I think and feel personally... Because I'm not a skilled competent gamer... I think for expert gamers, this kind of thing doesn't make any difference.