Friday, March 27, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Bear And Archery

So to return his courtesy of attacking me the other day, I invaded one of Dong Zhuo's territories... And like I've promised, I gave Guan Xing a chance to have revenge for being defeated and had his grand tactic arrows attack failed.

Unlike Guo Jia and Lu Xun, Guan Xing has 3 kind of recovery tactics... And overall, I don't really have anything to complain playing as him... Except for his musou attacks (both land and air) that I can't seem to control well... I mean, whenever I activate his musou, I really not sure whether I'll hit my intended target(s) or not... As you can see in the video above, it's also quite hard to see whether the musou attack hit anyone or not... (maybe if it did, it was purely by luck! ^^;) And therefore, I couldn't help but feeling that I was just wasting my musou... :@/ Also, in this battle, Guan Suo - Guan Xing's little brother - with his kangaroo boots (yeah, his extra large boots; which is also his new weapon in DW8 Empires, somehow make him look like a fighting kangaroo in my eyes xp) stole some of my killings! x_x; 

And Zhu Ran's violent wind grand tactic was failed because he managed to get himself defeated before the tactic could be initiated... Yeah, he shouldn't have barged in to the enemy's main camp by himself, ne... xp Anyway, shortly after I acquired this area, Da Qiao's forces attacked me and so, I gave Zhu Ran a chance to shine as well... 

Zhu Ran doesn't have any recovery tactic either... But he has the catapult tactic - that I used in this battle - and that violent wind grand tactic, that I didn't use this time. And at least his level 4 bow has healing element, so it's not so bad even though doesn't have recovery tactic. What I find it kinda inconvenient playing as Zhu Ran is; I can't slash enemy using the bow... In SW series, if I use bow weapon, besides shooting arrows at enemy I can also slash them using the bow. But not for Zhu Ran's bow... His is strictly for shooting arrows only! x_x It's quite frustrating, ne, for I wanted to just slash the enemy as well to make it faster to defeat them... And I also found out that his land musou is really not effective... At least for me... Because it's really like the real archery... Aiming and shoot... I thought I was aiming at Cao Cao, but how come when I released the arrow, it flew to Ma Dai instead... And worse, he blocked it! (>.<) I thought; dammit! I should've used the air musou instead, ne, it would be more effective! What a waste of my musou... :@/ No wonder Zhu Ran himself prefers doing air musou all the time... Because it's more effective... 

And Xu Shu initiated flood attack... But it got thwarted by yours truly; me - or should I say, my alter ego... who was moving and fighting using A.I. How he whined about it...! xp Yeah, Xu Shu is a loser, lah... I never like him - he doesn't look cool, even a bit, in my eyes!

(Oh yeah, for some reason, in this video you can see the polar bear's butt quite often... ^^; Yeah, my polar bear was just standing there carefreely watching me fighting in frustration...)

And that damned Da Qiao! Right after I kicked her out, she came back again immediately - attacking me twice in a row! My main officers had been hurt from the previous battle, so I just brought a few who weren't participated in round 1... I could've played as Guan Suo if I wanted to... But I've ever played as him once and I couldn't really fight well using his kangaroo boots actually... So, forget it. Since I didn't want to lose the area, I guess I had to fight as myself...

At the end of the battle, I had a duel with Xu Shu... I guess he had a grudge against me because I failed his tactic before... Well, try as he might, he still got slain in the end, even after using lightning and poison gas... Total loser indeed! xp From this battle I actually captured Yue Jin, but he refused to join me... So he got executed, then. xp Yep, if I ask you to join, you'd better join... or die...! *wagging my spiky tail* Speaking about prisoners, Guan Xing actually captured and hired Yue Ying and 2 other generics... I want none of them, so I dismissed them afterwards... Zhu Ran captured and hired a generic... whom I also fired. 

After attacking me the second time, and got kicked for the second time, Da Qiao then got attacked by Dong Zhuo and lost one of her territories to him! HAHAHA! Talking about karma! xp I still won't forgive her for giving Xun Lin to Dong Zhuo, ne! And now she annoys me even more... Just wait until I crush you...! *flexing my clawy cat paws* 

Anyway, as you can see in these three videos, I'm currently using a polar bear as a ride... Well, just because... I like polar bears! <333 And it'd be good if the bear can actually hurt the enemy... Well it will scratch enemies, but it will take some time to actually kill them, and meanwhile your character riding on top of the bear will already get their life gauge reduced quite a lot. So yeah, I guess the polar bear is just for riding only. Actually I also just obtained a mammoth... Let's see... Maybe in the next battle, we'll ride the mammoth... xp 

Xun Yu: "I think Guo Jia has beat you to it." 

Pippi: "Eh?" *looks at the direction Xun Yu points, sees Guo Jia helping Lu Xun riding the mammoth* "Hey! That's for battle, ne, not for you to go on a date!"

Guo Jia: "It's OK, isn't it..." *rides the mammoth himself* "If we spot enemy on our outing, we'll just stomp on them."

Pippi: "It's not OK! Leave the mammoth alone!"

Lu Xun: "Um, Master Guo Jia, are you sure this is a good idea...?"

Guo Jia: "It's all right, it's all right. You'd better hold on tight, though, my dear... I don't want you to fall off. <3 Here we go..." *takes the rein and looks at Pippi who's glaring daggers at him* "If you're so envious, just ride your beloved bear with your beloved Master Xun Yu. Ciao." *winks and off they go on the mammoth's back*

Pippi: "Hmph!" *grabs Xun Yu's hand* "Xun Yu, let's ride the polar bear!"

Xun Yu: "Hm? Can two people ride on the bear's back?"

Pippi: *thinks for a moment* "Can, can! Come, we shall retrieve the poor mammoth!" *drags Xun Yu with me to the bear stable*

Xun Yu: "I don't think Guo Jia has any intention to steal it."

Pippi: "Well... We're just going to make sure!" *actually just wants to ride the polar bear with Xun Yu, doesn't really care if Guo Jia wants to run off with the mammoth* xp

And... my Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3 is still not yet shipped... I really doubt they want to sell - and ship - it to me, ne... x_x And I still haven't received my English version of DW8 Empires either... I think it has been lost somewhere... Most probably the ass customs stole it... :@/

NOOOOoooo...!! Don't steal my English version of Xun Yu!!! x_x