Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Changing of Plan

Here's a video of Reliable Guardian Event. You can get this event after completing the escort missions chain; in which the last mission is protecting a ruler, with 5 stars difficulty and 10 minutes time limit. It's really a frustrating mission, simply because of the time limit... I barely made it before time ran out... x_x Was thinking I'd have to do it all over again, but somehow I managed to win the battle on my first attempt. I don't want to do this mission again... ever! ^^;

(What a garbage quality being uploaded on YouTube! It's supposed to be HD, ne!)

Let's see... The custom scenario for this video is after Xun Yu angered Cao Cao by advising against his ambition to become a Duke... Thinking that Xun Yu's loyalty to Han will be a big hindrance for him in the future, Cao Cao then secretly issued order to have Xun Yu disposed. Too bad for Cao Cao, Xun Yu has me as his bodyguard (and beloved wife xp) so his evil plan fails. Hehehe... No need to thank me, Xun Yu, just make sure you give me lots of loving huggy and kissy later! xp

(FYI: I made up the above scenario myself; the game doesn't have such scenario as far as I know)

Oh yeah, I think I read someone said that in the English version of the game, some events somehow don't have English subtitle (I think for DW8 Empires English version they keep the Japanese voice and only translating the text; like what they did for SW4)... I still haven't gotten my English version of the game, so I don't know if it's true or not. But if it is, then woah, what a poor quality control, ne! And to think that they even postponed the English version release for another month... Tsk, tsk, tsk!

And here's a video of me doing request mission from Xun Yun...

Yeah, his mission is escorting that wooden ox again... And he brought Zhenji with him, ah... :@/ Zhu Ran was one of my enemies here - together with Sima Zhao... You can see in the video - if you're lucky enough to be able to watch it with less garbage quality - that Zhu Ran sneakily did air musou attack on me! When I was fighting the battle, I really didn't notice him doing the attack, so I couldn't avoid it. But heck, it didn't hurt as much as Huang Gai's smack down... And I did punish Zhu Ran using Lu Xun's secret technique; which he reluctantly admitted as 'a perfect technique'... (in history, Zhu Ran always considers Lu Xun as his rival) Hehehe xp And since he's quite a gentleman enough to admit his defeat, I didn't mind helping him killing some tigers afterwards... I even later helped his kingdom in their invasion, ne... 

... Which I think somehow it brings doom to Xun Yun and my plan... x_x You see, after I helped Zhu Ran's kingdom - well, I call it that, but Zhu Ran isn't the ruler; the ruler is a generic - invading their neighboring territory, they then moved on to attack the next nearby territory in which Xun Yun is. When I saw that the territory was lost, I thought, hey, perhaps Xun Yun then became a free officer and I could recruit him that way... Scully, when I looked for him, I couldn't see his name everywhere on the map! I guess it only means one thing; he got executed! x_x So, I reloaded the game - luckily I hadn't saved yet - hoping to get another better result... But somehow sooner or later, Xun Yun's territory is doomed to fall, or if not, then the whole kingdom in which he belongs to will fall instead... And in both scenarios, he always gets executed because his name is always gone afterwards. OH NO! At first I was thinking maybe I'd help him when his territory got attacked... But this game is really pulling my leg, ne! Every time I was close to Xun Yun, his territory - or the kingdom he belongs to - didn't get attacked. But when I thought maybe he was already safe and I traveled a bit, then he would be attacked... and lost... and got executed...! x_x  

I guess the only way to save him is by joining the kingdom he belongs to, make him as my brother (yeah, my son becomes my brother - isn't it weird or what... But I guess it won't be as scary as if he did confess to me! x_x), and then leaves the kingdom with him... Of course if I do that, then my plan to get achievement for becoming wandering general for 10 years will be interrupted... Meaning I will have to start accumulating another 10 years if I want to get the achievement...  However, the achievement aside, if I really use this method to save Xun Yun from disappearing from the map, then it means I can no longer steal Lu Xun this way... Because I don't think I can have more than 2 sworn brothers... :@/ Of course I could just let Xun Yun disappear from the map - then I can have Lu Xun later - but... If I just let him die like that, then I don't think my conscience can take it well... I'll forever feel guilty toward both Xun Yu and Xun Yun - though I don't think either of them will care, since in this campaign they're no longer father and son, thanks to the game resetting the family relationship - and also toward myself... Mostly toward myself... Because I know that at the moment I still have chance to save him, and if I choose to not do it, then what will it make me? A horrible parent! And a horrible individual on top of that! x_x I know it's just a game, but still...!

So, I think I'll try to save Xun Yun with such method... Hopefully I still can save him... If somehow cannot, then at least I've tried... Better than choosing to not save him at all. As for getting Lu Xun, I shall find another way, then... Maybe attack Wei Yan's kingdom as my first official attack and hopefully I can capture Lu Xun, and hopefully he agrees to join... 

Guo Jia: "So, we're not going to steal Lu Xun, then? And instead, go saving your son who doesn't even remember that he is your son... And that's all because he's the son of you and Master Xun Yu - who actually doesn't remember that he's had a son in previous campaign... Geez, how you love that man, huh!" *sneers*

Pippi: "Shut up, Brother Guo Jia! I'll definitely get Lu Xun... Somehow... I'll think a way later... Unless..." *looks at Guo Jia*

Guo Jia: "Hm?" *looks back at Pippi and then smirks* You're regretting making me your brother, right? You're thinking that if only you hadn't make me your brother, then you still could use the stealing method to both save your son and get Lu Xun. Correct?"

Pippi: *nods, nods* "So, can you be so kind to sever our sibling ties?"

Guo Jia: "Hmm..." *considering* 

Pippi: *stares at Guo Jia with puppy eyes*

Guo Jia: "Yappari... Don't want, ne!" *smirking triumphantly* "I'll only sever our sibling ties if you give me Master Xun Yu's place beside you."

Pippi: "You... Evil!" *gives Guo Jia another cat punch* Hmph, fine! I'll find a way myself!" *stomps away angrily*

Guo Jia: "Mm-hmm. Good luck, ne. I'm looking forward to my good times with Lu Xun! You surely don't want me to be yaoi with your son, right?" 

Pippi: *growling, shakes paw fists at Guo Jia*

Oh well, I guess in this game - just like in real life - my plan never works... And so, whatever happens, happens lah. Let's see what the game has in store for me next... Whatever it is, I'll just deal with it... Somehow...