Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Even More Guo Jia x Lu Xun

Here's a video of invasion and defensive battles, starring Guo Jia and Lu Xun...

Since I'm always using Lu Xun's double swords for my Pippi character, of course if you've been watching my videos, Lu Xun's fighting style will look so familiar to you. ^^; And in the beginning of the video, if you get dizzy watching him - the garbage quality that YouTube gives to my video aside - it's because Lu Xun used tactic that increases his speed. Really, when I was playing the game, he moved so fast my eyes could barely catch up... But it seems Guo Jia was quite smitten by that swiftness. xp

Both Guo Jia and Lu Xun don't have any kind of recovery tactic with them... They both have grand fire attack tactic, though... Talking about having some things in common, ah... xp It's really bleh that you can't heal yourself, and others as well, whenever you need some healing... Like when I was playing as Lu Xun and Guo Jia was dying after getting hit by Deng Ai's attack, I couldn't do anything but make Deng Ai and cronies pay for that... Same when I was playing as Guo Jia and Lu Xun got grabbed by one of Dong Zhuo's generics and got spun around -  you can see his feet in midair in the video, actually ^^; - all I could do is just whack everyone of them to death... while losing half of my life gauge in the process... ^^: 

Zhu Ran tried to do sneaky air musou attack again on me...  But I saw it coming this time, so I could get away - Not this time, Zhu Ran! xp And when I did invasion on the capital of the kingdom where Zhu Ran belonged to; they were actually quite out-numbered, ne... And everything was going well for me... until Fa Zheng initiated the lightning attack... What happened is; after the lightning attack was successful, I could see enemy lost some of their life... But then all of a sudden, for whatever reason that I couldn't understand, I saw that my whole force just disappeared! I mean, looking at the troop stats; one moment it showed blue had great advantage over red, and the next moment, no more blue... just a bit of red left! I was like, WHAT THE HECK!? O.O I didn't receive any notice about anyone struggling and/or got defeated... I mean, even if I missed the notification, every time my officers struggle or get defeated, they will whine about it... So as ignorant as I might be, I couldn't miss that, could I? But there was no such thing, ne... Just suddenly all my force got wiped off, shortly after the lightning attack... The enemy didn't do any grand tactic at all... So, I really don't know what happened, ne... Could be a glitch? Or is it the lighting attack has side effect that will bounce back to the initiator? But I think I remember in my other battle where Fa Zheng did the lighting attack too, and I didn't lose my entire force... I was playing as me, if that makes any difference... 

Ah, dunno lah, I guess at most it's just because of my own incompetence... :@/ Yeah, I still won in the end... But it's really an awful battle, if you ask me. x_x

Anyway, now I've got Zhu Ran and Guan Suo joining my harem kingdom...

I also got Yu Jin from battle... He's not actually what I'd call... meeting the criteria for my harem kingdom... He's quite an oyaji, ne... ^^; But I guess I'll keep him for now... See if he's useful or not... And in the defensive battle against Dong Zhuo's force, Guan Xing got defeated - and hence, his grand tactic failed - I couldn't save him because I was busy whacking Dong Zhuo and his generic cronies using Guo Jia's balls... So maybe the next time I invade one of Dong Zhuo's territories, I'll let Guan Xing have his revenge by playing as him... Let's see what kind of weirdness or glitchiness or incompetence-ness that I will encounter later... ^^;

Guo Jia: *gently pats Lu Xun's head* "Sorry I couldn't prevent that brute of Dong Zhuo's from harming you. Does it still hurt?"

Lu Xun: "Ah, it's OK.. It's nothing, really, compared to my failure in protecting you... Master Guo Jia, you almost died! I even cost our kingdom a great loss of troops... I'm so incompetent...!" *hangs his head low*

Guo Jia: *chuckles softly* "Indeed you are..." *lifts the boy's chin up with his hand* "So, what kind of punishment you should get, you think?"

Lu Xun: *looks directly into Guo Jia's eyes in determination* "I shall take anything!"

Guo Jia: "Mmm. Then..." *leans in and presses his lips against Lu Xun's*

Lu Xun: "!" *eyes widen, surprised by the sudden kiss, tries hard to resist* "... MM... M...M-Master Guo Jia... Please don't... People are watching..."

Guo Jia: "holds Lu Xun's blushing face in his hands* "So what? Let them watch and be envious..." *claims the boy's mouth again*

Lu Xun: "Master Guo Jia... MMH...!" *slowly flutters close his eyes, accepting the deep kiss* "MMM... <333"

OK, CUT! Stop right there! xp Look who's being lovey dovey now! xp Anyway, I checked my email earlier and it seems my Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is already shipped... Still no news about my Japan import of Sengoku Musou Chronicle 3, though... Could be not happening for it, I guess... :@/ And I still haven't received my English version of DW8 Empires, ne... already a month, ne... Dunno where it went lost... The tracking record stopped updating 12 days ago... Said already in my country, but exactly where in this dump country, I have no idea... *sighs* Standard shipping from Amazon US is really slow... I can't afford the priority shipping, ne... Too expensive... :@/ Expedited shipping from Amazon Japan is more affordable... But unfortunately, it's very difficult to find a seller who wants to do international shipping there... I was quite lucky I found sellers who wanted to sell me my Japanese version of DW8 Empires and SW4-II... Now, there's nobody in Amazon Japan who want to sell these games outside Japan... Not anymore... So sad... Making me think that when SW4 Empires comes out, I may not be able to buy it... Must wait for the English version... if they ever make the English version... T_T