Monday, March 16, 2015


My super crappy stupid internet connection has been very very annoying since Sunday until today! Their stupid DNS server apparently is refusing to respond again! And dunno what they've been doing - nothing, I guess! Since the problem is still not yet fixed! :@/ 

It's just that once in a while, the stupid DNS server wants to respond... For around one hour... And then it will go on strike again! Now is one of that rare occasion where the DNS server is having mercy on me and let me access the internet! So, I guess I'll take this chance to post some rant here... See if I can post this for real... Scully, by the time I hit the Publish button, the DNS server is already not responding again! 

And so, since yesterday I've been spending my time playing PS4; since I can't do anything online. I've finished my second campaign in DW8 Empires... Now I'm playing different campaign... evil nation one... Because I was hoping I could unlock The Capitalist event - the other town inspection event. AND YET! Thanks to my very very lucky trait, even though I already have nation with evil rating 1 and more than 99999 (5 digits) gold, I still don't get the stupid event! x_x 

Really dunno what I miss... Those stupid useless guide, not helping me at all! What a lie - well, maybe it's not a lie; because I bet other people can get the event so easily, but for me, the game is just not so generous in that matter. :@/

*sighs* I guess, if it's impossible, then it's impossible, lah! No matter how hard I try, I will not get it. I will just end up feeling annoyed and frustrated myself. :@/ And so, my choices is either finish this campaign even though I won't get anything... Or just abandon it and start my next one; which will be another of me and Xun Yu campaign... The current campaign is not ours. So, yeah, see how... 

Also, no matter how many times I curse this stupid crappy internet provider, if they still don't want to fix their DNS server, then I guess I will still have no connection... forever. In other words, bye bye.