Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: Unexpected Things...

Yeah, I've started my own kingdom, by raiding the capital of Pang Tong's territories... And since I won, I've automatically got 3 territories already. Unfortunately, Lu Xun wasn't participating in the battle, for whatever odd reasons that the game may have... So, there went my plan to capture and hire him... :@/ What's worse is, when Pang Tong's kingdom is erased, Lu Xun also disappeared from the map! OH NO! x_x I don't know how with other people's game, but for me, so far, I never see character who has disappeared from the map make another come back later in the campaign, ne...! :@/ Doggone-it, ne! Why must he disappear! Why didn't the damned game include him in the battle so that I got chance to capture him! *growling and sulking*

Also, for whatever reason that the game itself knows, after I recruited Zhao Yun and Guan Xing prior to setting up my kingdom, somehow the game then allowed me to bring all my officers with me to our debut raiding. Which I'm quite glad... Because this first raiding is quite challenging, ne... I won't be confident to win if it's only me and Xun Yu and Guo Jia. x_x; I don't know if it's the rule that the game has for wandering generals who want to have their own kingdom... Or is it because I directly attacked the capital worth of 3 territories... I suspect it's the former, ne... Because after setting up my kingdom, attacking other territory feels normal like in previous campaigns. Or, most probably it's just me and my incompetence... That's why no matter what I do; no matter what awesome and high level weapons I've got, I still can't perform well. :@/

*sighs* In the end, what I've got from this battle is Fa Zheng and Jiang Wei, and a couple of generics. Just like in my first campaign, Fa Zheng easily agreed to join. While Jiang Wei arrogantly refused - what an ass; I've kicked him so many times before while I was a wandering general, ne, and kicked him again just now... Anyway, I actually planned to release him, but I guess since I'm used to execute so many people already - don't want to join, then die! - somehow the option that I clicked was EXECUTE instead of RELEASE. ^^; And so, Jiang Wei is dead now. For the generics, of course EXECUTE them as well!

And I got this horrible ugly disgusting yellow color as the color of my territories on the map! *grimaces* But of course the one thing that make me so unhappy the most about this third campaign is the fact that I can never get Lu Xun again in this very campaign! :@( Lu Xun, come back! Let me recruit you...! T_T Yeah, well, it's all because the previous dilemma on whether to save Xun Yun or get Lu Xun... I chose to save Xun Yun and now I lost Lu Xun... But I think if I had chosen otherwise, I'd have also got one and lost the other... :@/ It's always better to start as a ruler; already have a kingdom filled with officers that you want to have, right from the beginning...

Yeahh, so, my unhappiness almost make me want to just abandon this third campaign already... Or even if I have enough patience to end it, I'll just somehow end it - no need to care about things; just, whatever lah! :@/ However, there's another unexpected thing that happened right after I expanded my kingdom to 4 territories, out of fed-up-ness... Guess what?! I FINALLY GOT THAT DAMNED EVENT THAT I'VE BEEN DYING TO GET IN MY PREVIOUS TWO CAMPAIGNS!

Yeah, this Capitalist event! x_x I don't think that the guide saying that having a nation with evilness rating 1 and 99999 golds is 100 percent correct. I mean, it may work for some people, but it certainly doesn't work for me! I've proven that for me even with evil nation rating 1 and have more than 99999 golds, I can't get the event. And now, my current nation is another righteous rating 2 and I don't even have 99999 golds - I think at the moment I only have 55 thousand something golds - and somehow I managed to unlock this event! Well, I've got quite a number of materials that I gather from my wandering days; if that makes any difference... I don't even get the Wealthy Country event yet - I'm just starting my kingdom, ne - and yet I've already got this Capitalist event! Weird, right?! *shakes head* I think some events in this game unlock differently for different people with different playing style... So, what may work for other people, may not work for you... 

And of course this Capitalist event has 2 versions... For righteous nation like mine, I only get so far for this event... While for evil nation, you can get a bribery scene included in the event as well. 

So, the lesson is - what I've already always known, actually, from real life experiences - when I want something/someone, it's always likely that I end up not getting them, no matter how hard I try to... And when I least expect to get something/someone, it's always likely that I end up getting them quite easily and effortlessly... Talking about a fucked-up life... *sighs*

Guo Jia: "So, you've finally got what you've always wanted... And you even did the event with your dear beloved husband without having to stage it using event editor. I guess you're very happy now? No longer thinking about abandoning the campaign?"

Pippi: "Well, yeah, I do feel happy that I finally got this event... But I'm also still feeling regretful about losing Lu Xun..."

Guo Jia: "Well, there's always another campaign... And you can always pair me with him using event editor. Convenient, right?" 

Pippi: *looks at Guo Jia curiously* "Why you're suddenly so kind?"

Guo Jia: "How rude, ne. I'm always kind to the ladies... Especially the one that I care so much... For instance, I did notice that you walked a bit strangely when doing the event above."

Pippi: "Ah, that's because I kind of hurt my foot in our last battle."

Guo Jia: "Oh, is that so? And here I thought that perhaps Master Xun Yu has been too rough with you at night."

Pippi: "You know, even with my injured foot, I can still kick you!"

Guo Jia: *chuckles* "If you can get angry like that, then it means you're fine." *pats Pippi's head* "On serious note, when you get bored playing as good girl with Master Xun Yu, just come back to me."

Pippi: "Hmph! As if!" *sticks out tongue at Guo Jia*

Guo Jia: "Mmm. No one knows what will happen in the future... That's the interesting thing about life; don't you think? That's why, never say never."

Pippi: "Just go back to your bandit chief cave, lah!"

Guo Jia: "OK. If you promise not to miss me."

Pippi: "I WON'T!"

Hmm... I do think that my Pippi character walks kind of weird in the above event... Like a bit shuffling or something... But I guess, it maybe because of the programmed animations... ^^;