Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Samurai Warriors 4-II: Still Bullying Takatora xp

Here's a video of Takatora defects to Western Army in Battle of Sekigahara. xp

Takatora: "Hey, don't make your own scenario as you please!"

Pippi: "That's what Free Mode is for!" xp

And the climatic ending for this version of Battle of Sekigahara...

Tokugawa: "Takatora, you dare to betray me!? I should have known; you flip-flopping scum!"

Pippi: "Ne, ne, no need to be so angry. You made that good-for-nothing Hideaki betray us, so we just return the courtesy."

Tokugawa: "You stinky girl! I'll teach you a lesson for messing up with history!" *about to launch musou attack toward Pippi but suddenly gets frozen*

Takatora: "I shall not let you lay a finger on her!"

(Offscreen Takatora: "Why the heck must I say such line!?"

Offscreen Pippi: "Tsk. That's what you say when you protect a lady, ne!"

Offscreen Takatora: "A lady? Who's the lady? You??" *snorts*

Offscreen Pippi: "Hmph!" *presses steamed bun against Takatora's laughing face*)

Tokugawa: *breaks the ice imprisoning him with explosion from his cannon-like weapon* "You fool! You can have power and fortune if you just follow me obediently! You think Mitsunari can give you those?! With his idiotic ideals; that doing one for all and all for one then Heavens will bless you - that all humans are equal... Let me tell  you; humans ARE NOT equal!"

Takatora: "It may be true that in your world, I may have power and fortune... But what good are those things if I don't have happiness?"

(Offscreen Takatora: "Wait a minute!"

Offscreen Pippi: "What now?!"

Offscreen Takatora: "What have you ever given me, that gives me happiness?"

Offscreen Pippi: "How rude! I gave you a lot of steamed buns, ne!"

Offscreen Takatora: "...So, steamed buns is supposed to be my happiness??"

Offscreen Pippi: "Well, what else do you want besides steamed buns? Hand towel? Fine, I'll give you some later!")

Tokugawa: "Hmph, how ridiculous! If you don't want to follow me, then you must die! Nobody betrays me and alive!" *prepares to attack*

Takatora: *charges at Tokugawa in speed of light and slashes him to pieces* "I'm sorry but you can't kill me. I shall keep on living!"

Pippi: *clapping* "What a good ending! Very cool final strike too!"

Takatora: *scoffs* "So, you're happy, now?"

Pippi: *nods, nods, grinning from ear to ear* "I AM very happy!"

Takatora: "Then, since I've played along with your silly scenario, shouldn't you now play my last battle?"

Pippi: "Hmph, don't want!" xp *skipping away*

Takatora: *growls and suddenly gets an idea. Calls out to Pippi* "You know what, just like that fox Mitsunari, I may have an unexpected ending. Aren't you curious?"

Pippi: *halts, tilts head sideways* "Hmm... I must admit that it's possible..."

Takatora: "You won't know if you don't play my last battle."

Pippi: "Hmmm...." *thinking, considering for a while and then turns around to look at Takatora* "OK. I've decided!"

Takatora: "You'll play?" *can't barely hide his smirk*

Pippi: *shakes her twin pony-tailed head* "Nope. I still won't play your last battle! Nice try, though!" xp

Takatora: *grumbling*

Tomorrow.... Maybe I'll upload video - or should I say, videos, because I think I'll divide it into parts... It'll be too long and too big size if made into one single video - of me re-venturing the Infinite Castle... If I'm not lazy...